
181 posts

World Mental Health Day 2017 with Lee McKing the Hypnotist

World Mental Health Day 2017

World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2017 World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working […]

Yin Yang in hypnosis

The Idea Of Yin And Yang In Hypnosis

Many of you probably already know about Yin and Yang The concept of light and dark Positive and negative Push and pull But do you know how it applies in hypnosis? Interested? Then read on my friend!! πŸ˜€ First of all, let me expand on Yin and Yang for a […]

happy teachers day purple

A Treat For Early Childhood Educators

Wow these are exciting times! Now if you know me (or if you didn’t know me before), I have a calling towards children I have this feeling that God put me on Earth to help kids in one way or another (Partly because I was born on Singapore’s Children Day […]

Talk to Lee McKing

Why Should I Look For A Hypnotist?

I don’t know if you ever had this question but it’s a good question isn’t it? Why should anyone look for a hypnotist? You see, everyone has problems Whether they admit it or not! And humans in general cannot see the solution to their problem Ok ok, some can and […]

real wolf

The Story In Your Mind – The Wolf

So I decided to share some of my clients’ experiences under hypnosis And I want to remind you that everyone is unique Which means you will probably not get the same experience as what I will be sharing today Even if the issue is the same This is because when […]

Lee McKing arm levitation with a female subject

How Does An Arm Levitation Work? PS It’s Real Fun!

Before that, you are probably wondering what is an arm levitation in the first place! First of all, when we go into hypnosis, our minds are open to suggestions Please note that a suggestion is a suggestion and can be rejected! And sometimes, the clients or participants in a workshop […]

What Is Hypnosis All About?

What is Hypnosis all about? A lot of people have common misconceptions about hypnosis It’s sleep! Mind control Fake BS Trickster And more!! And you can read other misconceptions here Anyway, so what is hypnosis? Let’s look briefly at a bit of history~ You can skip this part if it’s […]

Lee McKing The Hypnotist 2

7 Misconceptions About Hypnosis – True or False?

Today I will explore 7 Misconceptions About Hypnosis that can hopefully educate you on what hypnosis is and isn’t For what hypnosis really is, you got to read this πŸ˜‰ Alright! Here are 7 of the most common hypnosis misconceptions! πŸ˜€ #1: Hypnosis is Sleep FALSE. While a hypnotized subject may […]