Wait McKing, isn’t Valentine’s Day round the corner? Why you want to talk about a break up? I know right~ š You know, I was thinking what to write for my next blog cause Valentine’s Day is indeed round the corner and thus, love is in the air~ Or maybe […]
Hold your horses!! This is a hypnosis experience where a client had an encounter with the Norse God Thor Odinson, not the Marvel character and superhero So you can still choose whether you want to read on or leave š Are you reading on? Yay~ I mean, I would be […]
So you might be wondering… Do medicine and hypnosis go together? Well, not exactly As we all know, medicine is usually prescribed by a doctor or a psychiatrist While hypnosis is… hypnosis And it’s considered an alternative treatment So back to the question of whether they can work together… In […]
Many of you probably already know about Yin and Yang The concept of light and dark Positive and negative Push and pull But do you know how it applies in hypnosis? Interested? Then read on my friend!! š First of all, let me expand on Yin and Yang for a […]
I don’t know if you ever had this question but it’s a good question isn’t it? Why should anyone look for a hypnotist? You see, everyone has problems Whether they admit it or not! And humans in general cannot see the solution to their problem Ok ok, some can and […]