
18 posts

Testimonial 17 Apr 2019

McKing is a wonderful, professional and caring hypnotherapist. Diving into subconscious and identify the issues is mind-blowing. I’m amazed and my issues have been resolved. I’m a happy customer. ZL, 35 female, Singaporean Chinese 17/04/2019

Presentation Lee McKing and Japan walk

How To Live Life?

Over the years I notice a common trend among my clients (and people in general) We aren’t living life Stay with me and hear me out I don’t mean breathing, eating, having a job or family It’s a lot more than that Heck I’m not even sure I can cover […]

One Valentine’s Day or A Long Lasting Relationship?

A lot of people celebrate Valentine’s Day as a day of love And of course, they usually do it annually So they celebrate a day of love, once a year I’m not sure if you see the irony behind it at the moment I am in a beautiful relationship for […]

Presentation Lee McKing and cafe hypnosis

Are You Truly Happy?

Imagine you have lived a life that has been pretty ok You lived through your childhood You recall bits and pieces from school You think you did ok too back in school You’ve gone to college or polytechnic And eventually went to university too Boy was that fun (and stressful […]

Presentation Lee McKing and the female ghost in 7th lunar month

An Encounter With… A White Faced Demon

Today for the series of “An Encounter With…”, we are sharing about a case study with a white face demon and a short trip to hell WTF what?? Demons and hell??? Well… *cough* incidentally yes I thought to share this story since the 7th Lunar Month (also known as the […]

Presentation WhyY

Why Do My Problems Get Bigger… And BIGGER?

WWHHHYYYYYYYYYYY That’s probably the biggest question on everyone’s minds If you are reading this, you probably had this question in your mind before Where you see your problems and issues just grow before your very eyes Or perhaps you know of your friends and loved ones whose issues keep growing […]