
9 posts

Presentation Lee McKing parenting

How To Help My Child?

This is a huge question on most parents’ mind I mean, which parent will want to see their child suffer right? Most parents probably want to give their child or children the best life they can give The best help they can give The best support they can give Ironically, […]

Presentation WhyY

Why Do My Problems Get Bigger… And BIGGER?

WWHHHYYYYYYYYYYY That’s probably the biggest question on everyone’s minds If you are reading this, you probably had this question in your mind before Where you see your problems and issues just grow before your very eyes Or perhaps you know of your friends and loved ones whose issues keep growing […]

Presentation maze white

How To Unstuck Your Mind

You might probably be curious what it means to unstuck your mind So first, we will explore what’s a stuck mind! Although it’s also possible you already know A stuck mind is one where… it’s stuck!  Perhaps you might be stuck as if you had hit a roadblock Whether it’s […]

presentation lee mcking thinking hard

Do Medicine And Hypnosis Go Together?

So you might be wondering… Do medicine and hypnosis go together? Well, not exactly As we all know, medicine is usually prescribed by a doctor or a psychiatrist While hypnosis is… hypnosis And it’s considered an alternative treatment So back to the question of whether they can work together… In […]

Yin Yang in hypnosis

The Idea Of Yin And Yang In Hypnosis

Many of you probably already know about Yin and Yang The concept of light and dark Positive and negative Push and pull But do you know how it applies in hypnosis? Interested? Then read on my friend!! 😀 First of all, let me expand on Yin and Yang for a […]

Talk to Lee McKing

Why Should I Look For A Hypnotist?

I don’t know if you ever had this question but it’s a good question isn’t it? Why should anyone look for a hypnotist? You see, everyone has problems Whether they admit it or not! And humans in general cannot see the solution to their problem Ok ok, some can and […]

Lee McKing with a female client going through the hypnosis session layout

How Can Hypnosis Resolve Problems Quickly?

This is a quick article into how I work! Especially if you are curious how I help people resolve issues quickly with hypnosis 😉 Anyway, most people come to me with a problem Here is the first key learning – it usually isn’t the real problem! Ok sometimes it is, […]