
17 posts

Jesus Christ appearing to a client under hypnosis

An Encounter With… Our Lord Jesus Christ

So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was about a warehouse hidden within the mind while the last encounter was with a butterfly fairy In the Warehouse Within, Peter had anxiety, anger, and a fear of reading and writing, and had to travel within his mind to resolve […]

Presentation Lee McKing and karma

A Hypnotist’s Perspective On Karma

Ok this is probably not expected of a hypnotist… Like why would a hypnotist suddenly talk about karma? But if you know me, you will know that I am pretty open to different perspectives of life Also, recently this karma topic has been popping up among my clients and friends […]

Presentation Lee McKing Unusual Hypnosis

6 Unusual Hypnosis Requests I’ve Received

I’ve been practicing professional hypnotherapy for a number of years now and naturally have my fair share of clients and their requests for hypnosis The usual ones will be to help them resolve their anxiety, depression, phobias Which is my main focus Although I do get some interesting requests such […]

Presentation Lee McKing and Halloween

An Encounter With… The Burning Skull

In today’s sharing of “An Encounter With…”, we will be looking into an old and possibly odd case Now I’m not sure how much to share in this introduction cause I don’t want to spoil you But from the title, it is an encounter with a burning skull And I […]

Presentation Lee McKing and pancake food

Testimonial 14 Aug 2018

I have been suffering from Bulimia for at least 8 years and the condition had gotten worse recently. Finally, I decided to get help through hypnotherapy as my condition affected my relationship with my closest one. I went through a session with McKing and to summaries, he helped me using […]

Presentation Lee McKing and past life regression hypnosis

How Past Life Regression Works

Alright so quite a few people have asked me this question and it seems the curiosity is strong for this Before we go into what is Past Life Regression and how does it work, do check out the various type of regression methods and techniques in this article I wrote […]