
5 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and past life regression hypnosis

How Past Life Regression Works

Alright so quite a few people have asked me this question and it seems the curiosity is strong for this Before we go into what is Past Life Regression and how does it work, do check out the various type of regression methods and techniques in this article I wrote […]

Presentation Lee McKing and cafe hypnosis

Testimonial 5 Sep 2016

I was skeptical about seeking therapy for personal problems, but thankfully curiosity led me to meeting McKing. He rendered me speechless just after 1 session! Just with that 1 session, McKing helped me to have a better control over my diet, better control over public speaking, and it’s so fast […]

Presentation Lee McKing looking at watch

The Grey Area Of Mindset

So the other day I was interviewed with the topic of mindset And I kind of realized not a lot of people know what a mindset really is Go ahead Pause here and think about what makes a mindset And what your mindset is If you want to, comment on […]

Lee McKing pocket watch time

Do Past Lives Exist?

This is a really big question you know… Because under Buddhism and Hinduism, karma exists and karma is why they believe in past lives and reincarnation Karma by the way, is not just “bad” karma There is “good” karma too 🙂 Anyway that’s a completely different ball game already hahaha […]