
5 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and reflection

It’s Time For Reflection

Actually a reflection can be done monthly too as this helps you stay on track So this is specifically a yearly (or is it annually?) reflection 🙂 And usually we do a reflection at the end of the year as we look back on what we have done, so we […]

Presentation Lee McKing and hall of memories

The Story In Your Mind – The Hall Of Memories

So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was The Reindeer and Santa Claus where a man encountered Santa Claus during his hypnosis And the last Encounter was With Aliens where another man strongly believed his past life was an alien! Such unique experiences! Yet that’s how they are able to resolve their […]

Presentation Santa Claus

The Story In Your Mind – The Reindeer And Santa Claus

So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was The Ship where a lady met an angel on a ship And the last Encounter was With Lord Shiva where a man led an army to fight another army of demons And it was such an epic battle scene! Anyway, Stories […]