
5 posts

Thor from imgflip ojjy3

An Encounter With… The Asgardian God Of Thunder

Today’s encounter involves the Marvel Thor Odinson, the Asgardian God of Thunder! Yes yes you read that right Actually there was another client who met the Norse God of Thunder, Thor Odinson But this hypnosis experience involves the Marvel Thor whom we all know and love You might be curious […]

Presentation Lee McKing and 2 people against the sun

An Encounter With… The Two Lords In The Sun

Welcome back to learning more about the awesome encounter of hypnosis experiences with my clients! So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was The Shapeshifting Master where a lady met a rat sage which transformed itself into several things before she got the message And the last Encounter was With Jesus […]

Question: Can You Help Me Forget My Shit?

Waaaaa!!!!!!!!!! To be honest, this is a valid question that pops up once a while Usually, people who ask me this want to forget their traumatic childhood experience, or a really bad relationship breakup But first, watch this where I was asked to make some people forget Avengers Endgame Are […]