
5 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and reflection

It’s Time For Reflection

Actually a reflection can be done monthly too as this helps you stay on track So this is specifically a yearly (or is it annually?) reflection 🙂 And usually we do a reflection at the end of the year as we look back on what we have done, so we […]

Question: Can You Help Me Forget My Shit?

Waaaaa!!!!!!!!!! To be honest, this is a valid question that pops up once a while Usually, people who ask me this want to forget their traumatic childhood experience, or a really bad relationship breakup But first, watch this where I was asked to make some people forget Avengers Endgame Are […]

Lee McKing and Steve

A Glimpse At Working With Clients

So my blog today is pretty simple It’s more about how my clients perceive me and how I run my hypnosis practice Now before I say anything else, I want you to watch the below video Part 1 for Hypnotism is My Business, which was done for Toggle and Mediacorp […]