Just A Fear or Phobia
Yea right, we all know it’s not just a fear or phobia
It’s freaking scary shit!!
I mean, yea, we know it cannot hurt us but it’s still scary
Or who knows, it could bite and kill you
Are you having such thoughts in your head?
Or you know someone who has an unbelievable phobia of cats
Like see already then jump into the air or run away super fast!
You can replace “cat” with “cockroach”, “rat”, “dog” or anything really

What’s A Fear?
F – False
E – Expectations
A – About
R – Reality
And that’s what it really is
False Expectations About Reality
That’s what’s holding you back
From success, moving forward, getting the girl or guy
Or just standing in front of a live audience, or patting that dog
How Does Hypnosis Help Me?
I really enjoy working with phobias and dissolving them
Most fears can be dissolved in a single session
And yes, that includes probably the number one fear in the world – of public speaking
If you are curious, you can check out this testimonial where I helped her to resolve her fear of public speaking in 1 session
I have had clients who sought me out for phobias relating to birds, cats, heights, doctors, needles and more!
However, to be fair, if the issue still persists, or there are other issues involved
Then we might have something deeper like a trauma or even multiple phobias
Regardless, we are going to find the true meanings behind your fears and pop it away
If you have not already, read what happens in a hypnotherapy session here
Or just contact me directly here