
37 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and celebrate hypnosis

How To Read Body Language Like A Pro

Ok to be fair, you might not be able to read body language like a pro straight away just by reading this article However, you can speed up the learning curve with the tips here Naturally I won’t be able to cover everything about body language (you probably need to […]

Presentation Lee McKing and enter into your mind

Why I Went To McKing – Sharing By A Client

Recently I started to realize that I have some deep-seated biases, prejudices or beliefs about money, wealth and becoming rich. I realized that I have been avoiding the topic of money for a long time, and it is causing problems in my life. I want to unblock it. This was […]

Presentation Lee McKing and putting it together

Does Our Mental Health Affect Our Physical Health?

This might be something that a lot of people don’t realize And yes, our mental health can affect our physical health And no, it isn’t just stress that affects Our entire mental and psychological state affects our physical health in ways which… most people don’t realize Of course, nowadays people […]

Presentation Lee McKing and how to heal

An Unknown Perspective Of How Relationships Work

Of course in this case the unknown perspective is my perspective I toggled with this idea (or theory) for a while now Since 2020 after going through a break up I decided to analyse my past relationships and why they didn’t work out Each relationship had their own reasons of […]

Presentation Lee McKing and dreams

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

Dreams Most people dream Some people can remember what they dream when they wake up Others can’t In fact, do you know that some people dream in color, while some dream in black and white? Comment below which are you! Anyway, dream interpretation… is something that I don’t do So […]

Lee McKing chatting with a female client NLB

Top 10 Tips To Improve Your Persuasion Skills

I seldom actually share about such things but there have been some requests about the art of persuasion so here it is! Of course if you want to learn such persuasion techniques, I do hope you use it with good intentions For example you might want to convince your crush […]