
10 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and enter into your mind

Why I Went To McKing – Sharing By A Client

This is a personal sharing from a client and most of the below was given to me with minor edits like bold, pictures etc Recently I started to realize that I have some deep-seated biases, prejudices or beliefs about money, wealth and becoming rich. I realized that I have been […]

Presentation Lee McKing and mind control or not

Is The Mind Control Gang Using Hypnosis?

Recently there has been talk of a “mind control gang” in JB especially with a new incident happening as reported by Goodyfeed and Mothership Is it real? What are they using? The interesting (and perhaps odd) thing is that the original post that both were referring to was taken down […]

Presentation Lee McKing and 2 people against the sun

An Encounter With… The Two Lords In The Sun

Welcome back to learning more about the awesome encounter of hypnosis experiences with my clients! So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was The Shapeshifting Master where a lady met a rat sage which transformed itself into several things before she got the message And the last Encounter was With Jesus […]

Presentation Lee McKing and Japan walk

How To Live Life?

Over the years I notice a common trend among my clients (and people in general) We aren’t living life Stay with me and hear me out I don’t mean breathing, eating, having a job or family It’s a lot more than that Heck I’m not even sure I can cover […]

Presentation Lee McKing and LNY 2020

Happy Lunar New Year 2020!

Have you done your spring cleaning? It’s about a week away right now so you might want to get started! Spring cleaning is the task where each household will clean up the whole house! The idea is that spring cleaning can wash away the bad luck of previous year And […]

Presentation Lee McKing and anger somewhat

The Time I Allowed Myself To Be Conned By Con Men

A couple years ago, I encountered 2 con men on 2 separate occasions near my office in Bugis And I allowed myself to be conned by them  Well… not totally And you might be wondering why I did that  You see, I’m a hypnotist And before you say I’m conning […]

Presentation Lee McKing parenting

How To Help My Child?

This is a huge question on most parents’ mind I mean, which parent will want to see their child suffer right? Most parents probably want to give their child or children the best life they can give The best help they can give The best support they can give Ironically, […]

Presentation Lee McKing looking at watch

The Grey Area Of Mindset

So the other day I was interviewed with the topic of mindset And I kind of realized not a lot of people know what a mindset really is Go ahead Pause here and think about what makes a mindset And what your mindset is If you want to, comment on […]

Presentation maze white

How To Unstuck Your Mind

You might probably be curious what it means to unstuck your mind So first, we will explore what’s a stuck mind! Although it’s also possible you already know A stuck mind is one where… it’s stuck!  Perhaps you might be stuck as if you had hit a roadblock Whether it’s […]