There is a saying that ignorance is bliss but is it truly blissful to be ignorant? Well it sort of depends on what one is ignorant about Generally speaking I think that ignorance will create more issues in the long run You see, ignorance is due to being unaware of […]
You know, we are given this life and we learn so much But how much do we know about life? About living life and how our mind works? I mean, just ponder for a moment and question And why I ask this is because I want to share something today […]
Experiencing hypnotherapy by Lee McKing has helped me overcome my underlying anxieties in life. I initially had doubts about the effectiveness of such therapy. McKing conducted a friendly free pre-session meeting to first understand what I was going through and answered my questions satisfactorily. I decided to give it a […]
So you might be wondering… Do medicine and hypnosis go together? Well, not exactly As we all know, medicine is usually prescribed by a doctor or a psychiatrist While hypnosis is… hypnosis And it’s considered an alternative treatment So back to the question of whether they can work together… In […]
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! 😀 2 major celebrations and holidays within a week! So it’s a time to have fun, make merry and laugh! And it’s also a time for reflection for the past year and resolutions for the new year Let’s Reflect The Not So Good And […]