
5 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and price of ignorance

The Price Of Ignorance

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss but is it truly blissful to be ignorant? Well it sort of depends on what one is ignorant about Generally speaking I think that ignorance will create more issues in the long run You see, ignorance is due to being unaware of […]

Presentation Lee McKing and being away

Testimonial 23 June 2019

Experiencing hypnotherapy by Lee McKing has helped me overcome my underlying anxieties in life. I initially had doubts about the effectiveness of such therapy. McKing conducted a friendly free pre-session meeting to first understand what I was going through and answered my questions satisfactorily. I decided to give it a […]

presentation lee mcking thinking hard

Do Medicine And Hypnosis Go Together?

So you might be wondering… Do medicine and hypnosis go together? Well, not exactly As we all know, medicine is usually prescribed by a doctor or a psychiatrist While hypnosis is… hypnosis And it’s considered an alternative treatment So back to the question of whether they can work together… In […]