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4 posts

Lee McKing arm levitation with a female subject

How Does An Arm Levitation Work? PS It’s Real Fun!

Before that, you are probably wondering what is an arm levitation in the first place! First of all, when we go into hypnosis, our minds are open to suggestions Please note that a suggestion is a suggestion and can be rejected! And sometimes, the clients or participants in a workshop […]

How Do You Hypnotise Someone?

“How Do You Hypnotise Someone?” – That’s the burning question on everyone’s mind when they meet me for the first time Especially at my meetup or when we are in a networking session If you have time, you can watch the online meetup here It’s on my Facebook Page so […]

Lee McKing NUS workshop stage

After A Workshop In NUS

This is a quick sharing about my experience after holding a workshop in NUS You might recall I did a bit of a lecture in NUS last month and it was really good I taught the students about emphatic listening, memory palace and creative visualization So anyway I was called […]

Lee McKing facebook meetup event Law of attraction

Defining The Law of Attraction

Ok so this is a workshop on Defining the Law of Attraction that I did recently And needless to say, it went well! I broke down how the Law of Attraction (LOA) works as well as why it doesn’t work for everyone And then I shared how the participants can […]