hypnosis meetup

7 posts

Lee McKing The Hypnotist with some of his members from the Singapore Hypnosis Meetup

Testimonial 6 May 2017

I recently attended Mcking’s meet-up session on How To Learn A Skill From Multiple People. It was very interesting and an eye-opening experience to learn that we actually can learn skills in such a way but I felt that need to practice this new way of learning skills. I also […]

Lee McKing authentic mirror image presentation

The Meaning Of Authenticity

Authenticity – the quality of being genuine This can be quite a deep topic so bear with me ok? Alright so, there are many people around us, right? I want you to think about this – what are they like? Your colleagues, your friends – are they real or fake? […]

World Mental Health Day 2017 with Lee McKing the Hypnotist

World Mental Health Day 2017

World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2017 World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working […]

How Do You Hypnotise Someone?

“How Do You Hypnotise Someone?” – That’s the burning question on everyone’s mind when they meet me for the first time Especially at my meetup or when we are in a networking session If you have time, you can watch the online meetup here It’s on my Facebook Page so […]

Lee McKing facebook meetup event Law of attraction

Defining The Law of Attraction

Ok so this is a workshop on Defining the Law of Attraction that I did recently And needless to say, it went well! I broke down how the Law of Attraction (LOA) works as well as why it doesn’t work for everyone And then I shared how the participants can […]

16 Lee McKing NUS public speaking

How To Resolve A Fear Of Public Speaking

Do you have a fear of public speaking? Like if you stand in front of a crowd and get shivers, jitters and trembles Or you get nervous, anxious and your hands start sweating Sometimes, your feet and head starts dripping beads of sweat too But even if you are feeling […]