Well the short answer is, yes and no Alright, you might be thinking I’m contradicting myself so just hear me out for a moment and read what I have to say Why no? First off, I would need to know the context of the problem You see, even if people […]
So a big question is: Is Friday the 13th a day of bad luck? Well first of all, I believe we should look into the origins of Friday the 13th first before moving forward to the question of whether this day is a day of bad luck or not So […]
So I got some feedback that perhaps some of you might be curious to ask a question or two about hypnosis But you might be shy, feel awkward, or just don’t want anyone to know And I respect that So that’s why I started an account on Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@leemckingthehypnotist? This […]
World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2017 World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working […]
I don’t know if you ever had this question but it’s a good question isn’t it? Why should anyone look for a hypnotist? You see, everyone has problems Whether they admit it or not! And humans in general cannot see the solution to their problem Ok ok, some can and […]
Hey there, you may or may not have heard of a regression before And if you did, you might associate it to a past life regression At least in hypnosis anyway So what is a regression? Now a regression is essentially going back in time And a hypnotist might use […]
What is Hypnosis all about? A lot of people have common misconceptions about hypnosis It’s sleep! Mind control Fake BS Trickster And more!! And you can read other misconceptions here Anyway, so what is hypnosis? Let’s look briefly at a bit of history~ You can skip this part if it’s […]
Today I will explore 7 Misconceptions About Hypnosis that can hopefully educate you on what hypnosis is and isn’t For what hypnosis really is, you got to read this 😉 Alright! Here are 7 of the most common hypnosis misconceptions! 😀 #1: Hypnosis is Sleep FALSE. While a hypnotized subject may […]
I cannot possibly describe everything that happens to a person under hypnosis! This is a huge question However, I will try my best 🙂 Now first of all, I want to share that not everyone will experience the same hypnotic phenomena And not everyone goes through the same type of […]
“How Do You Hypnotise Someone?” – That’s the burning question on everyone’s mind when they meet me for the first time Especially at my meetup or when we are in a networking session If you have time, you can watch the online meetup here It’s on my Facebook Page so […]