What Makes A Regression A Regression?

From past to present with Lee McKing

Hey there, you may or may not have heard of a regression before

And if you did, you might associate it to a past life regression

At least in hypnosis anyway

So what is a regression?

Now a regression is essentially going back in time

And a hypnotist might use a regression hypnosis technique to aid in issues like phobias, traumas, or limiting patterns and so on

And there are 2 main types of regression (at least in my book)

Current Life Regression and Previous Life Regression

And in Previous Life Regression, I have 2 sub types

Past Life Regression and Genetic Regression

Guess some explanation is in order 😉

Going Back Into The Past

a) Current Life Regression

This type of regression is useful for clearing emotions or memories of traumas or phobias that happen in the current life of the individual

For example, I had a client who was reliving his traumatic experience when he was in high school for over 15 years!

This trauma affected his social relationships and self esteem

After just 20 minutes of regression therapy, he was finally free from his nightmare! 😀

b) Previous Life Regression

Now a previous life regression is useful for people who have no identifiable cause for a phobia or a trauma from this life, and it has to go to a previous life

The belief is that the trauma or incident started in a previous life

Now I will share about the sub types

b1) Past Life Regression

This is what most people know of when you mention regression

It is believed that we have multiple lives and thus, a past life regression can go into one of our many lives before this to resolve issues

Take note, the difference between a Past Life Regression and a Past Life Regression Therapy

The Past Life Regression is usually referring for the technique to go into a past life for curiosity sake

While the Past Life Regression Therapy is usually referring to the therapeutic technique of a Past Life Regression

Of course, these terms can be used interchangeably 🙂

b2) Genetic Regression

To explain this, I have to share an interesting science experiment

The short version is some scientists took some lab mice and put them in a tunnel of sorts where there is a wire in the middle and cheese at the end of the tunnel

Each time the mice crosses the wire to get the cheese, they get shocked because there is a current running through the wire

After a few times, they breed the mice

Let’s assume 10 generations of mice later

They bring the new mice to the tunnel with the cheese and the wire

Remember these new mice never seen this tunnel before

And interestingly enough, the new mice were scared of the wire!

It wasn’t even turned on!

The possibility of this experiment seem to suggest that traumas, behaviours and emotions (and more) can be passed on through genetics!

Whether it was nature (genes carry trauma) or nurture (mother mouse told 10 generations of mice to be afraid of the wire), it does indicate something important

Which is the possibility of inheriting a trauma, phobia, emotion etc from your ancestors!

Hence, what I call, a Genetic Regression

You probably can guess by now

It travels along your family line and you relive certain experiences of one of your ancestors

Anyway, so why does regression work?Lee McKing pondering about hypnosis

Regression therapy works because the unconscious mind of the individual has not fully let go of the emotional impact of the trauma or phobia

And in doing so, we allow an expert hypnotist to help the unconscious mind of the client to fully and properly let go of the emotional attachment so that the individual can finally be free!

You might be wondering if I do regressions all the time

Actually no, I don’t

I will usually have a chit chat session with my clients so that I can fully understand the construct of the problem before I can do anything

It also allows me to figure the right technique for each client

So it’s quite personalized 🙂

Anyway, do comment below what you think!

And I will chat with you soon! 🙂

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