
3 posts

presentation 6 signs of hypnosis

6 Common Signs Of Hypnosis

Today I want to cover some common signs of hypnosis in every day life! A lot of people are curious how hypnosis works and when I explained how it can occur every single day, it shocks them! I wrote a couple of articles on how hypnosis works already and you […]

presentation lee mcking thinking hard

Do Medicine And Hypnosis Go Together?

So you might be wondering… Do medicine and hypnosis go together? Well, not exactly As we all know, medicine is usually prescribed by a doctor or a psychiatrist While hypnosis is… hypnosis And it’s considered an alternative treatment So back to the question of whether they can work together… In […]

Lee McKing hypnotising a client

6 Things That Happens Under Hypnosis

I cannot possibly describe everything that happens to a person under hypnosis! This is a huge question However, I will try my best 🙂 Now first of all, I want to share that not everyone will experience the same hypnotic phenomena And not everyone goes through the same type of […]