Never would I expect myself to see a hypnotherapist but desperate time calls for desperate measure. It has been a turbulent year with more downs than ups, I am hovering on the brink of giving up my life. Deciding to pay McKing a visit was one of the best decision […]
Happy Lunar New Year once again~! And since it’s the Chinese New Year, I decided to share a long forgotten hypnosis encounter from a long time ago… About a man who had “An Encounter With… The Arhat” Although this man called him a Luohan, we can use them interchangeably between […]
It’s the start of the New Year 2021 and boy, is it pouring in Singapore right now, and with so much rain, can one be positive? I’m sitting here thinking and writing this as the rain outside pitter patter away Although I’ll admit, yesterday had a heavier downpour, and the […]
I will like to share this testimonial of myself where I was free from depression in 1 session 🕊 Dear Mcking, Thank you for making me realise that I was having some depression. I didn’t think that I was having it. Thought that it’s just normal.. teary and […]
“Everybody lies” House MD I remembered this famous quote from House MD over the years and it struck me for several reasons Initially it was implied often that everybody lie to the people around them And in the case of this show, the patients lied to the doctors during the […]
You ever had that super cool idea? And you loved it so much! You were practically dying to tell people That you started sharing to your friends and family Literally everyone But then… They weren’t receptive to the idea… They criticise it… They said it was shallow… or worthless… or […]
And it’s true, words have power over us But, what does it mean? You see, whatever we say to ourselves can shape our perception, and this shapes our reality I go into more detail here In fact, what we say to others, whether good or bad, can do so as […]
So the other day I was interviewed with the topic of mindset And I kind of realized not a lot of people know what a mindset really is Go ahead Pause here and think about what makes a mindset And what your mindset is If you want to, comment on […]
Authenticity – the quality of being genuine This can be quite a deep topic so bear with me ok? Alright so, there are many people around us, right? I want you to think about this – what are they like? Your colleagues, your friends – are they real or fake? […]
So a big question is: Is Friday the 13th a day of bad luck? Well first of all, I believe we should look into the origins of Friday the 13th first before moving forward to the question of whether this day is a day of bad luck or not So […]