
4 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and chat with female client

How To Read A Person To Persuade Them

Ok this is a topic I rarely talk about The topic of persuasion Because I don’t want people to use persuasion for the wrong intentions Please only read this if you intend to use such persuasion to influence people for good, such as persuading them to change for the better […]

Presentation Lee McKing and job interview

How To Ace That Job Interview

The New Year just passed and I was pondering what to write for the first blog of 2020 Like, what could signify a fresh start? A new phase of life? A total change of pace? Well, with the possibility between marriage, family and career I decided to go with career! […]

16 Lee McKing NUS public speaking

How To Resolve A Fear Of Public Speaking

Do you have a fear of public speaking? Like if you stand in front of a crowd and get shivers, jitters and trembles Or you get nervous, anxious and your hands start sweating Sometimes, your feet and head starts dripping beads of sweat too But even if you are feeling […]