suicidal thoughts

3 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and do not want to eat

Testimonial 12 Dec 2019 (2)

Never would I expect myself to see a hypnotherapist but desperate time calls for desperate measure. It has been a turbulent year with more downs than ups, I am hovering on the brink of giving up my life. Deciding to pay McKing a visit was one of the best decision […]


Testimonial 13 Aug 2019

I have low self-esteem and constantly doubt about my self worth. Recently, I faced some problems in my career and going through a break-up with my coworker, and it triggered me to become very emotional in negative way and have suicidal thought. ⁠ I am glad that my friend shared […]

presentation pray for god

Testimonial 27 Jun 2019

All my life I’ve been an optimist and felt that no matter what challenges life throws at you, you just got to refuse to quit, put on a smile and keep going. But lately, i was going through a lot of issues and a really bad breakup. With everything coming […]