There is a saying that ignorance is bliss but is it truly blissful to be ignorant? Well it sort of depends on what one is ignorant about Generally speaking I think that ignorance will create more issues in the long run You see, ignorance is due to being unaware of […]
open mind
3 posts
All my life I’ve been an optimist and felt that no matter what challenges life throws at you, you just got to refuse to quit, put on a smile and keep going. But lately, i was going through a lot of issues and a really bad breakup. With everything coming […]
It’s the start of the New Year 2021 and boy, is it pouring in Singapore right now I’m sitting here thinking and writing this as the rain outside pitter patter away Although I’ll admit, yesterday had a heavier downpour, and the weather was so cold and cosy to lay in […]