Huh? McKing, what are counter spells? Ok great question Now if you ever play Magic: The Gathering or similar card games Or perhaps you might play some role playing games (RPG for short) where there is a mage or wizard in the game and there are spells In all these […]
You ever had that super cool idea? And you loved it so much! You were practically dying to tell people That you started sharing to your friends and family Literally everyone But then… They weren’t receptive to the idea… They criticise it… They said it was shallow… or worthless… or […]
And it’s true, words have power over us But, what does it mean? You see, whatever we say to ourselves can shape our perception, and this shapes our reality I go into more detail here In fact, what we say to others, whether good or bad, can do so as […]
So the other day I was interviewed with the topic of mindset And I kind of realized not a lot of people know what a mindset really is Go ahead Pause here and think about what makes a mindset And what your mindset is If you want to, comment on […]
Authenticity – the quality of being genuine This can be quite a deep topic so bear with me ok? Alright so, there are many people around us, right? I want you to think about this – what are they like? Your colleagues, your friends – are they real or fake? […]