What is My Life Purpose?

presentation lee mcking thinking hard

To be fair I still can’t say definitely I know my life purpose but maybe some stories might help shed some light

2025 just started and sometimes a new year gets new reflections

In fact, this sort of ties in to the last few clients I met (who are also new clients in 2025)

And with different clients, I end up sharing about different side topics

From God and religion, to TCM and health, etc

Needless to say, childhood, family upbringing, mental health usually comes up cause I’m a hypnotist and that’s what people generally come to me for


While I was in the toilet (and don’t we do a lot of deep thinking and reflections while on the toilet?)

Questions like, “What am I doing?”, “Am I doing this right?”, “Why am I doing this?”

And no, I wasn’t thinking about that business… I was thinking about my professional business

Because over the years I have met and helped a lot of people

Some usual mental health issues, others a bit more unusual like this, and even this one

And as I look back into my past, I saw that God led me to this path

Presentation Lee McKing and Japan walk
Ok fine this is Japan XD

What is a life purpose?

Loosely, we can interpret it as the core meaning for our existence

If that seems a bit “chim”

It is the idea that all of us have some meaning or purpose to be born into this world

That we are not accidents (even the ones who are an accident)

The tricky part is how can we find out our life purpose?

Even if we seek out fortune tellers, numerologists, fengshui masters etc, can they tell us our life purpose or do they just suggest several paths for us to take?

That’s why I interpret it slightly different

In that, my life purpose is what I choose to give meaning to

If I like to cook I will cook, if I like to eat I will eat

Of course, a cook, chef, pastry chef etc might find meaning and joy in cooking for others, or creating their own food to leave a legacy behind

And someone who enjoys eating might start a food blog or even video themselves travelling the world and tasting all kinds of cuisine

For me, I like helping people

Whether it is to solve a mental health problem, or to share some insights and guide some understanding

That is what I give meaning to

So yea, I’m helping people now for sure, although technically I don’t know if this is my real life purpose so to speak

What I do know, is that whatever I am doing is with God

Presentation Lee McKing and Jesus Christ

How does God come into the picture?

Many years ago when I did an internship as a kindergarten teacher and I was attached to a K2 class

In this class, there was this girl who was looking at me during assembly and said, “Mr Lee, there is a fire on your head”

Now in case you don’t know, we Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit of God will come unto us as a flame or fire on our heads

We take reference from when the Holy Spirit came and split into tongues of flame above each disciple of Jesus, and then they perform the miracle of speaking in tongues, where all who heard them, heard them in their own native language

So now, in my mind, I was like… wait a minute… this girl is able to see a fire above my head?!

And I felt that I was in God’s presence and imagined this fire above me grow bigger in His presence

The girl immediately gasped and said, “Mr Lee, the fire grew bigger!!”

Yes, it’s happening, she can see!

But I didn’t want to react and just asked her, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

She put her finger to her mouth, tilted her head for a moment, “Hmm… I think its a good thing! Bye bye Mr Lee!”

Although technically, we were going to see each other again in class later hahaha

So yea, He is always with me, and I also feel that my life leading to this point, being a hypnotist, was guided by God

You can read the long story of how I became a hypnotist here

The way I saw it, I was going to select university courses, and only changed because my mom spoke about the new course in Ngee Ann Polytechnic

That to me was God speaking through my mom to me, telling me to choose this poly, to choose this specific course instead

Which was Child Psychology and Early Education (that’s how I got the internship in the kindergarten too)

And in doing so, when my lung burst, I was in school and thus, can go to the hospital to save my life

On the other hand if I went for university, school wouldn’t have started and thus, I might be lazing at home and just chilling to rest after ORD and so I’ll probably be dead

Since my lung had collapsed to the size of an egg by 11am or so

Of course, that hospital initial experience gave me PTSD and I fell into depression, which got me to learn NLP and hypnosis to solve my own mental health issues

And even then, besides getting great teachers to learn from, I got lucky that they flew to Singapore to teach before going back to their respective countries

Luck or… God…?

And it doesn’t end there

Even when I got my first office at One Fullerton (which is expensive I know)

Because it was a co-working space, and my neighbor wanted my private office space, the manager gave me a free upgrade!

I even started getting free media features from all over the world

Even my clients, some of them have no idea how they found me

An aligned life purpose gets you rewards

Things are aligned when you found your life purpose

I had a client looking for brain training in Singapore and had no idea how she landed on my website (I did not do any SEO and definitely didn’t put brain training in my website)

Many clients when searching for hypnosis or hypnotherapy in Singapore found me, and interestingly enough, couldn’t find any other hypnotists at all (I don’t pay for ads)

In fact, the empath European lady that was mentioned in the 6 Unusual Hypnosis Requests had such an experience

As her empath abilities were too strong, she was a recluse and avoid leaving the house when possible

She said that one day she was just going about her day when she heard a voice, “Go look for McKing”

Stunned and confused, she managed to Google me and found that I am in Singapore

That’s how she came to find me to shut off her empath psychic power (and yes it worked)

Why me?

Who was that voice?

I have no idea but I believe

I strongly believe

God supports my work

I believe that those who need to find me, will somehow find me

That He will send them over to me

And that’s why I don’t do ads

And just really comfortable sharing my thoughts and ideas by blogging twice a month

At least you can learn something about yourself, your mind, people around you, etc etc

Lee McKing with a female client going through the hypnosis session layout

So what is YOUR life purpose?

I have no idea!

What I do know that is you can have a better understanding of yourself and what the higher ups want for you

Whether you call it God, The Source, The Universe, I think they are all just different names for the same thing

There is a guidance in what you are doing, how you have come so far

If you are able to reflect and recognize the patterns, the signs, I believe you will gain the awareness, if you have not already done so

Of course, you can also go along the metaphysic route in getting an answer

That’s fine too

I think that after all that, your life purpose is what you give meaning to

Like, even if someone told you your life purpose is to cook, but you prefer to eat, then does it make sense that your life purpose became a chore?


So listen to your heart, my friend

And just like me, I believe your path will align itself for you too

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