When I initially wrote 6 Unusual Hypnosis Requests I’ve Received, it was just a way to pen down my experiences
Now if you haven’t, you can click the above link to read Part 1 😉
Naturally, I have a decent amount of experiences and clients, and usually they come for mental health issues
Like to resolve anxiety, depression, fears and phobias
And some do come to heal a broken heart, or to fix an addiction
So today I’ll be sharing another 7 more unusual, interesting, unique requests from clients for hypnosis
1. Can You Make My Breasts Bigger Using Hypnosis?
Actually you know what?
I’ve quite a few requests on this
However, only one girl decided to take that step for hypnosis
You see, for something like anxiety or a phobia, a single session of hypnosis with me is usually enough
Yes, you read that right
About 90% of issues can resolve within 1 session of hypnosis
However, for something like breast enlargement hypnosis, it won’t be that straightforward
We might need to do a few sessions for it
Now for this girl, let’s call her Eve in this instance
I told her to measure her breasts at home (before and after each hypnosis) so we can track whether it is improving or it isn’t
After which, we can do the hypnosis
Each hypnosis had to be uniquely designed for her mind and body
I won’t share exactly how I hypnotized (that’s my secret for now) but after 2 sessions, she grew by half an inch
Which shifted her A cup into a B!
After the 3rd session, Eve was satisfied and we didn’t continue because she got busy
One of my exes (then my girlfriend) also asked me for this after she heard it was possible
We didn’t take measurements for her cause she just wanted to play
I did just 1 session for her and it looked fuller already
2. Can You Cure Muscular Dystrophy?
Imagine my surprise when I heard this, like, how did they think of it?
Maybe because they have tried everything and nothing worked so they thought of hypnosis and me?
Although I didn’t ask so specifically, I had 2 such cases
The first was a man who has lost the use of his arms due to this terrible disease
After chatting with him and his family, I realized they had a lot more issues than they realized
You see, the mind and body are connected, and some physical illnesses are psychosomatic
Meaning, they are generated or manifested from the mind
Thus, it will be ideal if they can work through their emotional and psychological issues, as part of the overall healing process
Unfortunately, they didn’t seem keen on it, and didn’t get back to me
The second was a lady, hers was full body and is usually in her bed
We chatted online and after analyzing her life, I told her that because she has overworked herself since young
Her mind decided to create an illness like muscular dystrophy in order for her to rest
Also, I told her that if she currently enjoys her life now, where everyone is assisting her, it will be tricky because it is a secondary gain
Thus, she might not want to resolve her issue due to this
She admitted that it’s true, yet still wanted to see how hypnosis can help
As an experiment, before the hypnosis, I asked her to raise her right arm as high as possible, and it reached to the level of her shoulders
After the hypnosis, this time she can raise her right arm stretched to the top, way above her head!
However, probably because of secondary gain, she didn’t contact me again for subsequent sessions to heal
3. Can You Help Me Remember Where I Lost My Ring?
Recalling a memory is still reasonable, I’ll share in a moment why this is unusual though
The first lady came with her husband and said that her jewelry is usually on her dressing table
And one day, it vanished
After some questioning, I found out there was a part time cleaner who comes once a week and she came that day when it went missing
Also considering, my client and her husband didn’t leave the house that day
To me its a no-brainer to consider the possibility that the cleaner might have taken the ring
However, my client claims it is impossible because the cleaner has been with them for years and she won’t do such a thing
I also caution that if it was stolen and she didn’t lose it, we cannot find it in her memories either
True enough, we couldn’t find it in her memories at all
The second lady lost her engagement ring in a dressing room
She shared that normally she will put her ring in a little sachet in her purse before trying on clothes, but that day she had no idea why she put her ring on the clothes hook instead
When she exited the store, she realized it was missing from her hand, and returned but it was gone
Again, it isn’t a matter of it being lost, rather it was stolen
However, there is another issue here – why did she suddenly change her normal way of keeping the ring?
Turns out she doesn’t love the man, she is only marrying him for the next stage of life
If there is no love, there is no value to marrying him, and no value to the ring either
4. Can You Help Me Remember What Happened?
Ok this one is interesting although yes, it is another memory recollection hypnosis
Why this case is interesting because it involves a police case!
That’s pretty cool right?!
It’s been years and actually, I have no idea if the case is closed or not so maybe I just share some generic details if you don’t mind
So I won’t say what shop at where, what they sell etc, nor even my client’s gender
The client came to me and he/she is a suspect of stealing money in the shop’s cash register
However, he/she said they didn’t do it
The claim was that they weren’t in the shop when it happened, as they went out with their friend/colleague for a moment during that time
So he/she wanted to use hypnosis to recall the memory and see if there are any additional details to share with the police
When we did the hypnosis, he/she recall being in the shop working and it was empty during this hour
So he/she and the friend/colleague decided to step out for a moment, since the shop manager was in the store too
After exiting, for a brief moment, their head was turned and from the corner of the eye, they saw the shop manager handling and taking out the money from the cash register!!
In fact, it was the shop manager that accused him/her of stealing the money in the first place!
I soon brought him/her out of hypnosis, and he/she quickly went to share the new information with the police
Although I know the charges were dropped against him/her, I didn’t ask about the shop manager
5. Can You Make Me Pee On Demand?
I received an email with such a request and in it, some background information
Let’s call him Tom, and he shared he is an Adult Baby Diaper Lover or ABDL and apparently, there is a small community in Singapore
He had 3 requests:
- To hypnotize him for a particular trigger word to make him pee on demand, anytime, anywhere
- To make him sleep like a baby so when he needs to pee, he will just pee in his diaper instead of waking up like an adult
- To feel confident about going to work while wearing his diapers
Tom enjoyed wearing diapers to work but felt shy that people might notice, hence his 3rd request to feel confident about it
His 2nd request is really just to sleep like a baby
The 1st request is a bit tricky which I shared with him over email regarding the possible limitations and overall effects
Since I see no harm to anyone, and thus, if he is really keen, he can make an appointment with me
But he didn’t for whatever reason, so that’s it then
6. I Want To Talk To God
This client came wanting for hypnosis so he can talk to a particular god or deity (which I shall not name for privacy and confidentiality)
The story is that his wife apparently got selected by this god or deity to be possessed and be the representative or similar
I suppose we could say his wife got selected to be a medium by this god or deity, or if there is another way to call it, do let me know
Anyway, I had a chat with the man and felt… hypnosis might not be suitable for him
Like, we might not have the god or deity appearing, it isn’t like I can summon them out of nowhere
And although I do have some gods appearing to my clients under hypnosis
It isn’t a confirmed thing to occur
The next reason I shared with him, is that since this god or deity has decided to possess his wife as the medium or representative, he can just as easily ask the god or deity directly
Ideally, I will prefer to help my clients solve a problem which can effect a change in their lives
His request was more to ask the god or deity why his wife, and that’s it
He realized that yea, he could just ask the god or deity when they possessed his wife, and he left
7. Can You Exorcise A Ghost From Me?
This man came to me seeking help for what he believed to be a ghost problem
Apparently, he went to multiple spiritual practitioners, mediums, psychics, and they all say he has a ghost attached to him or possessing him
And all of them have tried ways and means to get rid of the ghost but it wasn’t working
To them, the ghost is particularly strong, and maybe even evil
Since he tried all the spiritual and metaphysical ways he can think of, he came to me as a last resort
I suppose because hypnosis or hypnotherapy tends to border between the science and the spiritual, the psychological and the metaphysical
Now, I had to be fair to him, and told him, it is entirely possible there is no ghost to begin with
Especially if he went to so many spiritual masters and they all attempted and yet failed to exorcise this “ghost”
After having a chat with him, I shared my hypothesis that perhaps there is a psychological or emotional issue that is taking the form of a ghost
Hence I call it, a psychological ghost
Anyway, when we did the hypnosis, turns out he felt guilty over hating his aunt, who was a bit of an attention seeking lady when he was a child
And after she passed away, he felt guilty over hating her, and this guilt manifested into the form of her spirit
In fact, he also had a crush on her when he was young, and this “love” also tweaked the way he seeks a partner
Ended up his ex and wife both exhibit similar traits of his aunt, attention seeking, dramatic, temperamental etc
Thus, we did a resolution and release the guilt and negative patterns
This Concludes Part 2 of Unusual Hypnosis Requests
Wow you actually read to the end!
Pat pat Very good 😀
I’m curious if you have a favorite among these hahaha
Naturally, I get a wide range of clients and thus, sometimes I get such interesting requests for hypnotherapy
Of course, just because someone request from me, doesn’t mean I do it
And if you haven’t already, you can click here to read Part 1 of Unusual Hypnosis Requests
Heck I already have a few more stories in my mind but that’s for another day 🙂
Hope you enjoyed today~
Take care and cheers!