
2 posts

Lee McKing the hypnotist on hypnosis and hypnotherapy and the struggle for anxiety, depression, phobias, and mental health

Another 7 Unusual Hypnosis Requests Part 2

When I initially wrote 6 Unusual Hypnosis Requests I’ve Received, it was just a way to pen down my experiences Now if you haven’t, you can click the above link to read Part 1 😉 Naturally, I have a decent amount of experiences and clients, and usually they come for […]

Presentation Lee McKing and 2 people against the sun

An Encounter With… The Two Lords In The Sun

Welcome back to learning more about the awesome encounter of hypnosis experiences with my clients! So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was The Shapeshifting Master where a lady met a rat sage which transformed itself into several things before she got the message And the last Encounter was With Jesus […]