I was amazed by McKing NLP & Hypnotherapy technique that I finally found the answer to what I have searching for all this while. It was really incredible in how the technique that was being applied during the session have helped me realized my fullest potential and to progress further […]
The New Year just passed and I was pondering what to write for the first blog of 2020 Like, what could signify a fresh start? A new phase of life? A total change of pace? Well, with the possibility between marriage, family and career I decided to go with career! […]
Hello! Now if you are only just reading this then you might want to read a previous article where I highlight the 3 main fears entrepreneurs need to resolve or remove in order to succeed in life Go ahead and read it I’ll wait 🙂 Once you have read it, […]
I don’t know if you have heard of how hypnosis can help with pain relief already and before I share with you a really cool technique, allow me to share with you a story So my mum was washing the clothes one night and when she carried a pail full […]