circuit breaker

5 posts

presentation waa!! come again!! CB_

Waa!! Come Again!! CB~

Today is the start of the new Enhanced Covid 19 Measures for Singapore and it runs from 16 May 2021 to 13 Jun 2021 and I think most people will say… CB~ Even though it is not exactly Circuit Breaker Same same but different And of course, we see a […]

Lee McKing shrug presentation

Why Do People Lie To Themselves?

“Everybody lies” House MD I remembered this famous quote from House MD over the years and it struck me for several reasons Initially it was implied often that everybody lie to the people around them And in the case of this show, the patients lied to the doctors during the […]

Presentation Lee McKing god of hope

An Encounter With… The God of Hope

The next in line for the series of “An Encounter With…” is about The God of Hope Which might be an inspiration story for all of us right now This is a story about persevering through hardship and darkness and emerging into the light And to receive love and hope […]

Understanding Ourselves In “A Lockdown”

If you are like me, you’ve been stuck at home for the longest time Well, if you did go out and exercise, that’s all great and all I haven’t left the house since April 7 where Singapore initiated the Circuit Breaker And to be honest, things have been a bit […]