Hold on I’m just sharing some views about life and death
So this isn’t some ghost story ah~
Today we shall look at thoughts and ideas of the world
And my opinion too of course
About death and life!
A bit of background to why I suddenly want to write on this topic
It’s because a couple of my clients had interesting hypnosis experiences within
Client A was concern of an unusual health issue – he had a fear of dying
And using hypnosis, we ended up back in several of his past lives where they had one thing in common – sudden death
A past life ended in Pompeii, another in his sleep, yet another was beheaded for science!
Little wonder how he got such a fear of death!
Once we resolved those issues, his unconscious mind gave him a message
To Accept Death
To accept the idea of death as part of the life cycle and that one day, everyone will be gone and in doing so, your (his) fear of death will be gone
Eh~ Luckily it wasn’t to accept death as it is if you know what I mean
Client B on the other hand thought she had a fear of pain or poor health
But once we peeled off the outer layers (like an onion!) we found the true problem!
It was the fear of living!
How bizarre isn’t it~
And yet we can see exactly how this fear of living can cause so many problems for her
Her unconscious mind gave her a message too
To Transcend Death
To not see death as an end, as the soul is eternal, hence, be free to surpass your limits
It was these 2 clients who happened to see me within the same week that got me thinking
Something weird is going on!
So I thought ok let’s write something about this cause it’s a fascinating topic to me
Although I am writing it during the 7th Lunar Month hahaha but once again, nothing to do with ghosts or spirits
You probably already know this but I nearly died in my sleep before at age 20
If you don’t know it, you can check out my story here~
Now what you probably don’t know is that wasn’t the first time I nearly died!
I nearly died at least 2-3 times already *sheesh*
Health, accident, etc
Anyway that’s not the point
The point is because I got so close to death more than once, I explored this topic quite a bit
I mean, to me, God (I’m Catholic) saved my life for whatever reason, whether it’s for one or all of the times
And I truly believe that if He wanted to take me away suddenly, so be it
So I live my life the way I want to live
Although you might say I couldn’t care less about suddenly dying today for example, I won’t be jumping off a plane for that experience either
Yea, you might only live once, or twice, or trice for me, but I rather do something more meaningful with my life and time
Like this trade or business or profession (whatever you want to call it)
I find it more meaningful to help people rather than try different experiences like bungee jumping or sky diving for example
That’s just me~
You do you~
Anyway, I digress
Now a lot of friends and clients mentioned to me, that they envy how free and happy I am
Because I’m doing what I love, and enjoying my life
And if we just ponder for a moment…
Is it because I’ve been through “death” so I know how to enjoy “life”?
This is a bit of the yin and yang concept I shared in a previous article
Funny isn’t it?
In fact, if you consider some of the successful people, they gone through some really terrible hardships or trauma or “death”
And using what they learnt or gained from those experiences, they grew and succeeded in life!
I sort of realized this some time back, like a couple years ago
And I Googled (Yay Google)
Now back then, I found some articles of psychological research into certain tribes that contemplate about death every day
Yes, they think about death every single day!
The curious thing was that even though they think about death so often, they seem to be liberated from it
What I mean to say is that they are happy
Truthfully, they were joyful, blissful, and in happiness
Those articles reaffirm what I went through, and what I’m experiencing at that time
I have to see if I can find those same articles again
But! I can find other supporting articles
Here’s an article about a man who realize how Bhutan thinks about death at least 5 times a day!!
Yet, they are such a happy people!
Of course, their reasoning for what thinking about death can make one free and happy is slightly different from mine
This is because they are predominantly Buddhist, and believe in reincarnation, and hence death is but a stepping stone to the next phase of life
The other reason they shared in the article is that they are surrounded by many things that can cause death – poison mushrooms, a bear, the weather etc
And so to them, facing the truth allows them to enjoy and experience life more
While the reasoning is slightly different, the end result is the same
How do we think about dying?
More often than not, we think of death as scary
Like it’s the end and that’s it
Or dying alone, in pain and suffering
And so on
Or even if we become a ghost or something
Now the key is focus
Where are we focusing?!
When we think of death, if we look at the above, we are focusing on the end
Which is fair to me
Where else can we focus on?
Go back to how I shared how I live my life now
If God want to take me back today, so be it right?
And so I live my life the way I want to live
Look at where I’m focusing on
If I were to die tonight, I want to focus on the now, the present, what can I do to live with no regrets
So I help people if I can
If I feel tired today, I just laze and read my manga
Perhaps I want to meet my friends and have a good conversation
Etc etc~
In fact, that’s what I want to share with you today too
If you want to start a journey to be free from suffering and most problems
You can think about your death, and remember to focus on how you want to live today
Or how you want to live the rest of your years
Don’t say and don’t do ah~
Don’t think only and don’t do at all
Say what you mean, and mean what you say
Now this lady shared her activity for how thinking about death can make one happy
Although I don’t know how it will work for you, it’s still good to have different ways to think about death and what you can do to be happy
But why should I think about death?
Well what happens if you avoid death?
In this article by The Guardian, they described something called Death Anxiety and how it acts as the root or core for several mental health disorders ranging from depression, health anxiety, panic disorder
And Healthline adds on to the understanding of Death Anxiety with its relationship to other mental health issues such as separation anxiety, OCD, and more
Wait a minute~ those two clients A and B that I shared earlier!
They had specific health anxiety, pain anxiety, and depression too! (Ok I lump them all together instead of specifying who has what but you get the picture)
The funny thing about the human mind is, the more we want to avoid something, the more problems it can create
Fear of dogs? Oh I see dogs everywhere and they keep coming to me (said a client)
Claustrophobia? My wife avoids lifts and we stay on the 15th floor so it’s up and down every single day! (said another client)
Fear of not being able to sleep in an unfamiliar place? I can’t travel cause I can’t sleep in a place that isn’t my room (said a client who hasn’t gone on a holiday with the partner for the longest time)
The list can go on but I’ll stop
The fear of death, as also seen in the above two clients, can hold one back from doing things that they can otherwise enjoy
And it might even create other mental health issues or problems that affect other people!
Of course, it’s not going to affect everyone the same way
But it can affect in such a manner
Now, if you do fear death and find life is already good as it is, you don’t have to think about death the way I do
It’s your choice, and I’m just sharing my thoughts and various articles
Thankfully it’s not as bad as a delusion where one will attempt to lie to oneself to avoid certain realities
Maybe I’ll write about that some other time cause it’s another interesting topic
So what lies beyond death?
If we don’t count religious beliefs, I haven’t the foggiest idea
What I do know…
Is that if we can think about death and realize how we want to live our lives even better
We can live with no regrets
Truthfully as much as possible
Cause regretting not confessing to that girl or guy you like 20 years ago… well… you can’t do much about it now eh?
But if you are single, and the person you like is single, would not confessing give you more regrets?
And if understanding this helps you to live that one step freer
One step closer to true happiness
Why not right? š