Before I share the hypnosis story today – Happy National Day Singapore! 😀
But well, I don’t have a National Day hypnosis experience to share so let’s link to the next upcoming event – the 7th Lunar month also known as the Ghost Month
Although yes, maybe I can share a ghost story or two, but this falls under a hypnotic experience
And while you might think ghosts are scary, today’s story is a bit more heartwarming~
Trust me on this 😉
The Story in Your Mind series that I share are hypnotic experiences of my clients that are unique to them, and the last Story was about Kate who saw her husband as a crocodile!
She had to deal with her perception of him, which relates to her anger issues as well
On the other hand, Encounters are experiences where my clients met with a higher spiritual being, like when Jacob met with Buddha in his hypnotic Encounter!
Jacob was seeking answers in particular to himself and what to do with his life, and you might be happy to know he is doing well now
Now because our perceptions, mindsets and beliefs are unique to us, we all have an internal world within that shapes our reality around us
Now today I want to share a story which involves family
Especially since the 7th Lunar Month has a component of paying respects and reconnecting with our deceased loved ones
And although the National Day can be spend with family or friends and is celebrated as a country, we do usually spend it with our loved ones
Sofia (name was changed to protect her identity) came to me with a simple request
She wanted to resolve her issue of procrastination
That was pretty much it
So when we were ready, we begin the hypnosis…
And she suddenly burst into tears!
Now regardless of what happens under the hypnosis, I have to remain calm
Like, imagine you are panicky under hypnosis then you hear the hypnotist’s voice is also scared or not sure what to do
Yea exactly
So anyway I asked her to take her time to calm down and to share with me what is happening so I can assist if required
Sofia shared that she is now seeing her father
The issue is, her father had passed away a few months earlier
Hence, she broke down in tears upon seeing him because she missed him so much
I told her to spend some private time with him if she wants, share a few words for closure
Now you might be wondering, she came with issues of procrastination, what has her dad got to do with procrastination
Absolutely nothing actually
But here’s the thing
In some cases, you might see issue A whereas your unconscious mind finds issue B a greater issue
And this is what was happening
She was looking at procrastination as an issue, which is true
However in her unconscious mind, dealing with the loss and grief of her father’s passing was a greater emotional issue
And that is why her unconscious mind brought it up first 🙂
Anyway once she was done having her closure with her dad, he disappeared and that is how we know they are done
Then Sofia starts crying again!
Turns out her sister passed away shortly after their father’s passing!
Similarly, I allowed her some time to have a chat and closure with her sister~
Sharing any last thoughts or words can provide such closure
Well, there could be other stuff too but this is just a general guide for now
And then, she was also gone
Now her husband appeared
Hold on her husband is still alive so don’t worry hahah
Rather, she had some issues with her husband and that tore up the relationship
So we did a forgiveness process instead
After that, her god appeared too!
She shared briefly that due to all the events that was happening, the passing of her family members, the failed marriage etc, she lost faith with her god
Now that her god has appeared, I suggested for her to reconcile and ask for forgiveness
Thankfully she was agreeable to that
After which, her two children appeared
Again, because of what was happening, her relationship with her children became more distant, more strained
Thus we also reconciled this
I told her she can share whatever she want to share with her kids in this time and space, without necessarily needing to share in reality
And this can help to heal her
After that was done, she found herself teleporting to a different place
Now she was at the beach with her kids and going snorkeling!
She went down and found an oyster that was open
And in the oyster was a pearl
The most beautiful pearl she had ever seen
“You know what McKing, I hate pearls”
Sofia suddenly said that and I was puzzled for a moment
Because if she hates pearls, why did it appear to her now?
She continued, “I hate pearls but I don’t know why I like this one”
“Oh you do?”
“Yes, I like this one… this is my pearl”
And now everything made sense to me!
You see, it doesn’t matter what form or symbol it takes in the unconscious mind
Most importantly is the representation or the meaning of it
She grabbed the pearl and grasped it close to her heart
As she began her ascension to the surface…
And also her ascension out of hypnosis
When she came out, Sofia was shocked!
“Why is my face wet?!”
She said hurriedly as she took a piece of tissue paper to wipe her face
To be honest this was one of my first cases when I started practicing and the only case where the client had amnesia after the hypnosis
I realized then, that the unconscious mind is so considerate and powerful
You see, her unconscious mind knew that her topmost pressing issues were to resolve emotional issues, such as grief over her family’s passing, handling the marriage issues, and so on
And yet, didn’t want her to feel embarrassed about it since she originally didn’t share with me
Which is why we went to resolve those issues, yet she cannot remember what happened under the hypnosis
For the record, she went on to start her own business in the next couple of months and doing pretty well thereafter!
Bringing this story to a close…
Sofia meeting her deceased loved ones again and releasing her grief, having her closure, is probably what most of us will like to do if it can happen
Finding out things the deceased didn’t get to share with us, or us sharing our final thoughts with them, things we didn’t get to say before they passed
All of this is important for closure, especially when it was due to a sudden event
Of course, were they ghosts or were they just a figment of her imagination?
I will ask back, does it matter?
Regardless what is the answer, she got what she came for and came out better because of it
One last thing, if I might suggest
Instead of being afraid of the ghosts of deceased loved ones, why not spend some time with them while they are still alive
And say what you want to say now
That way, there are little regrets that will be left behind
Congrats for reaching the end of this blog!
Watch this if you want to have a sample of hypnosis and meet your deceased loved one
@leemckingthehypnotist Warning: You might cry 🥲❤️ #hypnosis #shortversion #miniversion #deceased #lovedones #reconcile #love #whatif #ifonly #regrets #spiritualtok #healingtok ♬ Relaxing Japanese-style piano song inviting nostalgia – Akiko Akiyama