It’s the first week of year 2018 and I realized something very interesting!
You see, on the last week of 2017, I had only 1 appointment that week
It just seemed like a regular holiday December Christmas week right?
So Monday was pretty chill… and Tuesday I had 4 client enquiries
Wednesday had 3 and Thursday had another 2?!
Like what is happening?!
Friday I now have 4 appointments, and some more client enquiries
And that was just the start!!
Saturday I had another 4 appointments and Sunday, New Year’s Eve, I had 3 client appointments
And I had a day of rest on New Year and then the rest of the week was clients and appointments all again until Sunday
And then it hit me!
About why I have a whole week of back to back clients!
Ok maybe the Law of Attraction is happening for me hahah
But I had other thoughts
Perhaps these people wanted to resolve their issues so that they can start 2018 anew and afresh!
And that’s pretty smart actually
Imagine finally being able to achieve your resolutions, goals and successes
My clients are pretty smart!
Think about it for a moment…
It’s the new year and you want to find a way to resolve your past issues
To let go of burdens and chains
So that you can be free of those issues and move forward in life
Doesn’t that sound like something you might be looking for?
So if you are ready to start anew and start afresh, do consider having a chat with me š