Ok this is the first time I’m ever reviewing anything hahaha
So anyway, one of my clients told me “Hey McKing, you should watch Freud on Netflix”
I’m like, why?
“Cause they have hypnotism!”
But well, since Covid 19 did a bummer to business, and I have spare time, might as well right?
First off, Freud on Netflix is about Sigmund Freud, a real life psychologist (Wiki says neurologist though) back in the 1800s
He is also the founder of psychoanalysis, a method of analysing the subconscious or unconscious mind, such as dream interpretation
Although in history, Sigmund Freud did use hypnotism in his work for some time, he abandon it to focus on psychoanalysis
That’s the brief introduction I will say about Sigmund Freud since I’m reviewing Freud on Netflix
And in case you were wondering why I’m creating this distinction between the two, that’s because while Freud on Netflix did use some historical truth for the show, a lot of it is… well… still a show
Like whether or not he did those same methods of hypnosis, I do not know
But the show is very interesting to me, I like it
Anyway, before you watch it, just to quickly share, it is R21 so there is some gore, blood, sex, nudity, violence etc I think I covered most of the R21 stuff
Also, if you haven’t watched it yet and want to watch it without being spoiled, do save this page and come back here once you finished the series
Guess you want to read more eh?
Now technically there are many ways to review this, from the hypnotic elements (since I’m a hypnotist) as well as the potential hidden messages in the show (I admit I don’t see much but I did spot a potential few?)
I’ll talk about the hypnosis parts first cause the hidden message is quite far fetch too I suppose shrug (I just realize I could have called them Easter Eggs?)
Freud’s method of hypnosis starts off pretty normal, the usual way, although there is one difference, he had no deepeners
Now to understand this, you must first understand there are 2 main schools of hypnosis (to my knowledge anyway)
The traditional style of hypnosis emphasises on relaxation methods, deepening the trances (which we call deepeners) and direct suggestion
The modern style of hypnosis works with light hypnotic trance, allowing the subject to still be aware and conscious while in trance
Freud on Netflix seems to use both… which doesn’t make sense normally hahaha
But well, it’s a show shrug
Why I say this is because the traditional method require the hypnotist to use deepeners to deepen the hypnotic trance
It can be simply, go deep down into relaxation now
Also, usually the “entering into trance” part of hypnosis is a bit longer than just those couple of minutes for the traditional style too
So to me, it’s like he starts with a modern style but does the therapeutic part the traditional way
Technically if you want a higher success rate using a traditional method, you need to use more deepeners *note to any budding hypnotherapists*
Freud later tries something that was suggested by his friend in the series (I have no idea if the friend is also a friend of Sigmund Freud in history) and that is the use of physical touch during a hypnosis session
To be fair, physical touch is very powerful and can aid or hinder a hypnosis session with a client, so use it sparingly (if you are a budding hypnotist)
Be really sure of what you are doing
Think of it this way, if someone was molested or raped before, she may develop aversion to physical touch by anyone, and that will hinder the hypnosis if you attempt to even touch the hand, much less anywhere else
However, someone who doesn’t have this issue, but perhaps have anxiety and nervous tension, may benefit from a firm stead hand on the shoulder, to aid relaxation and hypnosis
If you work with me before, or seen my videos, you will realize I almost never ever use physical touch at all
Personally I don’t want to risk the aversion cases (in case they shy to tell me at first)
So far we touched (pun intended) on 2 things for Freud, so let’s look at something else for a moment
The psychic Fleur!
Now one thing about Freud on Netflix is that there is a touch of supernatural phenomena as well, which is also connected to the villain in the series
And the villain uses hypnosis as well!
No not Fleur obviously, it’s Sophia, the… lady who found her (HA I don’t know whether to call her the mum, the aunt, caretaker etc)
If you want to rewatch, she uses hypnosis on Fleur early on, the physical touch for example, as well as the suggestions of course (that was obvious right?)
But here’s the thing, for her case, because Sophia found Fleur when she was a child, she could program Fleur to go straight into hypnosis instantly through a touch on the shoulder or on the legs
Which brings us back to how Freud touch Fleur on the knees and she went straight into a trance
But yea, it doesn’t means you can touch anyone’s knees and they go into a trance straight away…
Please don’t do that
You will likely be clobbered
Anyway~ this means the villain Sophia could not have hypnotised Freud so easily when she approached him at his office
And better yet, she uses direct suggestion telling Freud to kill himself
However, you cannot hypnotise someone to go against their ethics or values
It doesn’t work like that
Except in a show hhaa
However, when Sophia hypnotised Leopold to kill himself, that’s slightly different
You see, Leopold was under the influence of hypnotism through Fleur already, so it would have been easier for Sophia to capitalize on that
Also, since he loved his sister so much (to the point of possible incest love? technically he didn’t rape her if I recall) so it was easier to feel bad for doing what he did to her (attempting to kill her) and thus, it is possible for him to kill himself through that logic
So it’s like a battle of the hypnotists, good versus evil
Well ok not so extreme but you get my point
Did Fleur use hypnotism too?
To some extent BUT and it’s a big but, she is a character who is supposed to be a psychic medium
Yet ironically, most of the seances are supposedly fake or set up, it was revealed later in the series
Hence, from a science point of view, Fleur has a split personality or 2 personalities inside her, Fleur and Taltos
From a supernatural point of view, Fleur is a unique shaman of sorts, where Taltos is a supernatural or spiritual entity that resides within her
- We have no confirmation that she can speak with the dead throughout the series
- She does have visions of the murder scenes of the people she has connected with
- She seems to have a power to control people, in particular men
For visions, if through her ritual of connecting and controlling the men, she established an energetic or psychic connection with them, then when they do something that was not “normal”, perhaps she will see such memories, thoughts or visions
Like her first vision of Clara getting lost and a man about to cut or kill her, Clara was still in front of her, but her kidnapper/murderer of a brother Leopold was beside Clara too
From a psychic point of view, because Leopold had such thoughts or intent, Fleur as a psychic was able to read such thoughts and intent and thus, saw a vision
She also had such a vision when she saw the opera singer too
We can say that this ability is clairvoyance
Later on, to reveal more details and information, Fleur seeks out Freud and ask him to hypnotise her, where she was able to retrieve the vision and continue with it as well
Why does this work?
To understand this from a psychology point of view, we take reference from Carl Jung
Carl Jung (a real life psychologist in history too) was influenced by Sigmund Freud, and they worked together for some time before separating due to different ideals and directions
Carl Jung did a lot of things, and one of his ideas is called the collective unconscious
The collective unconscious was his theory that we are all connected in this collective unconscious
Let’s bring hypnosis back a bit, hypnosis is how we bring the conscious into the unconscious area of the mind
And if you didn’t know it already, the mind does not just exists in your brain, it is throughout your body and perhaps even out of your body (some may call this the aura)
Now, if we use hypnotism to bring someone into the unconscious mind, what can happen if we go deeper?
We may tap into the collective unconscious which Carl Jung describe!
Tying this to Freud on Netflix, it’s why Fleur ask Freud to hypnotise her to get back those visions and see more details
As the collective unconscious means that we are all connected, if we can tap into this, just like Fleur, one can see through another’s eyes or memories
Well, only if you believe Carl Jung’s collective unconscious is true, and only if you can tap into this so easily
Although if this is true, that might explain the supernatural power of psychics who can read your mind, your future, your past eh?
And no, I’m not able to tap into this to read minds or whatever you are thinking
However at this point, Fleur’s visions could have either a supernatural or a psychological source
Her ability to control men, if she uses those rituals it is easier to explain
Certain rituals may cause the participants to tap into a hypnotic trace in one way or another
And if you watch the rituals, you will know they are in a trance, it was very obvious to me
Although so much blood sheesh
However, when they show her childhood, where she could just stop the soldiers in their tracks… it can only be a supernatural source
The Taltos in the series
Also, you may realize there were certain words or phrases that were used to activate or deactivate behaviours
Well, yea that is possible but only if the hypnotist set up such a suggestion in the subject
Once again, killing other people or killing oneself is only because it’s a show, a drama, a series, because hypnotic suggestion does not work when it goes against one’s ethics or values
Hmm ok I think I covered most of the hypnotic elements in the show already but if you got any burning questions about the hypnotism in the show, go ahead and ask away š
Meanwhile, I’ll touch on certain psychological aspects of the show
Wait what there’s more?
Oh yes, of course there is more hahahaha
Carl Jung’s collective unconscious was one actually, but I had to share that so we could understand Fleur’s visions
So what else is there?
You may recall Freud having a dream of sorts and he was going a bit crazy somewhat
Well, he had a lot of his own dreams I suppose
Being scolded by his dad, seeing Fleur, etc
One of his visions was him having sexual intimacy with his mum
Yes if you didn’t realize it was his mum, you can watch again or take my word for it
This is with reference to one of Freud’s psychosexual theories – The Oedipus Complex
The Oedipus Complex in short, describes that a male child may develop sexual feelings for his mother and only when he realize his mum and dad are a couple, and transferred such feelings to a girl of his age, then he will develop normally
That also means if the child doesn’t transfer the feelings appropriately, the child may develop sexual disorders
Well, that’s my layman version so you can roughly understand what’s all that about
Also, the term came from Oedipus, a king who killed his father and married his mother in Greek mythology
Lastly, the female version of this complex is called The Electra Complex
Anyway yes that vision or dream that Freud on Netflix had with his mum was with reference to The Oedipus Complex
In fact, even Fleur and Taltos could be a reference to one of Carl Jung’s psychological theories too – The Shadow Self
Simply put, Carl Jung believed that all of us have a side we show in public – The Persona whereas the Shadow Self is what is hidden, repressed or unknown
He also stated that the Shadow is our hidden desires, instincts and more
If Fleur is the normal woman seen in society, Taltos is the darker animalistic side
If we don’t count the supernatural bit haha
On top of that, Fleur (or Taltos) influenced a bunch of people, and of those bunch, we had a few unable to control their repressed animalistic instincts and desires!
Leopold, the Crown Prince Rudolf, the opera singer, just to name a few
In a way, they had their Shadow self on display and that’s how the plot thickens for the show too haha
I’ll share one more that I was thinking of
The Id, Ego, Superego is a theory of Sigmund Freud to describe how the mind works
Where the Id describes the emotional instinct, the wants and desires
The Ego controls the wants and desires within the logic of what’s right and what’s wrong
The Superego describes the morals and values, what’s right and wrong
Id: I want it now!
Superego: But I don’t have money
Ego: Let me plan how much to save so I can buy it eventually
Hope that helps š
Now why did I bring this in?
Here’s my thoughts
Taltos is the Id, instinct, desires, power
Fleur is the Superego, having to comtemplate the morals and values
Freud is the Ego, to find that balance in using that power for right or wrong
Previously it was Sophia who was in the place of Ego but when Fleur realizes that Sophia is not doing for her own good, that people are dying (morals and ethics), she seeks out someone who can help (Freud)
Also, the names of Freud and Fleur are very similar hahaha
Ok ok this might be a bit far fetched hahaha
That’s what connected for me while I was watching the show ahahaha
Anyway this article is almost 2500 words!
So I’ll stop soon
How did you find my review?
Admittedly I could have shared a bit more but I didn’t want to write too long hahaha
Let me know if you want more of such reviews in the future!
Like hypnosis series, movies or similar
And if you have any questions about Freud on Netflix, you are most welcome to ask me š
And remember to share with your friends if this might be up their alley
Til then, cheers and I’ll see you soon