
195 posts

Lee McKing arm levitation with a female subject

How Does An Arm Levitation Work? PS It’s Real Fun!

Before that, you are probably wondering what is an arm levitation in the first place! First of all, when we go into hypnosis, our minds are open to suggestions Please note that a suggestion is a suggestion and can be rejected! And sometimes, the clients or participants in a workshop […]

What Is Hypnosis All About?

What is Hypnosis all about? A lot of people have common misconceptions about hypnosis It’s sleep! Mind control Fake BS Trickster And more!! And you can read other misconceptions here Anyway, so what is hypnosis? Let’s look briefly at a bit of history~ You can skip this part if it’s […]

Lee McKing The Hypnotist 2

7 Misconceptions About Hypnosis – True or False?

Today I will explore 7 Misconceptions About Hypnosis that can hopefully educate you on what hypnosis is and isn’t For what hypnosis really is, you got to read this 😉 Alright! Here are 7 of the most common hypnosis misconceptions! 😀 #1: Hypnosis is Sleep FALSE. While a hypnotized subject may […]

Lee McKing hypnotising a client

6 Things That Happens Under Hypnosis

I cannot possibly describe everything that happens to a person under hypnosis! This is a huge question However, I will try my best 🙂 Now first of all, I want to share that not everyone will experience the same hypnotic phenomena And not everyone goes through the same type of […]

How Do You Hypnotise Someone?

“How Do You Hypnotise Someone?” – That’s the burning question on everyone’s mind when they meet me for the first time Especially at my meetup or when we are in a networking session If you have time, you can watch the online meetup here It’s on my Facebook Page so […]

Lee McKing with a female client going through the hypnosis session layout

How Can Hypnosis Resolve Problems Quickly?

This is a quick article into how I work! Especially if you are curious how I help people resolve issues quickly with hypnosis 😉 Anyway, most people come to me with a problem Here is the first key learning – it usually isn’t the real problem! Ok sometimes it is, […]

Lee McKing pocket watch time

Do Past Lives Exist?

This is a really big question you know… Because under Buddhism and Hinduism, karma exists and karma is why they believe in past lives and reincarnation Karma by the way, is not just “bad” karma There is “good” karma too 🙂 Anyway that’s a completely different ball game already hahaha […]

A Trippy Hypnosis Experience

So this is more like a record of hypnosis experience that I personally experienced Although come to think of it, I will probably share some of the hypnosis experiences that my clients go through too! 😀 But today, it’s my personal experience So anyway, you may or may not know […]

Lee McKing memory palace

How To Remember A Bunch Of Things Using A Memory Palace

You probably been through this before: Either you got to remember a long list of items for shopping, a meeting or tasks to do throughout the day Or maybe you are a student and got loads to remember before your exams Or maybe for some reason, you decided to remember […]