How To Strengthen Your Mind

Presentation Lee McKing and enter into your mind

I don’t know if you have this question but there are several proven ways to strengthen your mind

And me personally, well I’m a hypnotist!

Of course I’m always interested in such things XD

So I’m going to share a few ways on how to strengthen your mind

And no it isn’t just all meditation hahaha

I will share 2 tips each for the body, the mind, and the soul

And you will know why by the time you read to the end šŸ˜‰

Presentation Lee McKing and pancake food

Strengthen your body

There is a mind body connection and thus, whatever affects the body affects the mind and vice versa

Hence a body with malnutrition also means that your mind won’t have enough nutrients and energy!

So what does it mean to strengthen the body?

1. Eating proper nutrition

Having the proper nutrition doesn’t just mean a well balanced diet

This is because different people might require different nutrition to balance themselves

So if the food is balanced, it might not balance the body

Perhaps to illustrate a bit better, I recently learnt an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

And learnt that some people might be more warm, and others might be more cold

Thus, the people who have a naturally warm body need to take more cooling stuff

Vice versa, the people with a more naturally cool body need to take more warm food

And it isn’t just temperature hot or cold either

Ginger has more heat for example, as compared to something like green bean

Another interesting concept from TCM is that all the organs need to be functioning well to provide nutrients as well as qi to the brain

But maybe I’ll share that in a future post when I understand better šŸ˜€

Having a better understanding of ourselves, will allow us to treat ourselves better when it comes to nutrition

Since we all have our own unique constitutions

2. Regular exercise

Naturally, even with proper nutrition, you still need some physical activity to strengthen your body

If one doesn’t do much activity, one might experience muscle weakness, or even muscle degeneration

And that’s not good

One of my clients admitted that she didn’t eat well, and tend to laze in bed, so little wonder she lost weight until she look old and haggard within a year

That’s not healthy at all!

The key is regular exercise

You don’t have to exercise too strenuously or vigorously if you don’t want to

Simple light exercises is fine too

I think light to medium might be good enough

Personally for me, I like to incorporate even in daily activities

So this means the sitting posture, the way we walk, etc

Imagine walking with an oomph!

And compare to someone dragging their feet as they walk

Yea, both might get 10,000 steps, but you can imagine the energy and use of muscles in the one that is walking right and proper

Compared to the one who drags their feet

Regular exercise can also get your blood circulation moving

Which sends dopamine and endorphins in the brain which makes you happy as well

On top of the destressing factor

Lee McKing reading all sorts of topics, fengshui, psychology, DARVO, hypnosis

Strengthen your mind

Having a strong body can also strengthen your mind

But what if I already eat well and exercise well?

So I just want to focus on the mind strengthening part

Naturally there are a few ways one can do that

1. Learn something new

Sounds odd but learning something new does strengthen your mind

When we learn something new, we have to stimulate different parts of our brain depending on what is it we are learning

In doing so, our brain forms new neural pathways

And this enhances on our previous learning, as we see new connections and possible patterns

For example, quite a while back I learnt about the benefits of deep breathing

And one thing that struck me was that it’s the natural way of breathing

Babies breathe deep into their stomachs, and only “lose” it as we grow up

Also, breathing only into our lungs, it might even be more shallow, and thus, does not fully expand our lungs and oxygenate our body

Imagine my surprise when I learn recently in TCM that the lungs and the liver work together in regulating qi in the body

And when we breathe in the air, we are absorbing qi from the external environment

So an idea that formed in my mind, was that what if the deep breathing allows the expansion of the lungs to stimulate the liver, and thus, pushing the qi onwards

When one is healthy, the liver qi can ascend into the head and brain, providing a good flow of qi

In addition, since both the liver and spleen are below the lungs, it is also possible that the deep expansion of the lungs might stimulate the spleen

Which from an understanding of TCM, can also assist to send nutrients upwards to the brain

You can see how my current learnings connect and stack upon my previous learnings

Naturally, if one were to keep learning something new, the mind will continuously be strengthened with knowledge and new neural pathways

2. Practicing mindfulness

Although my learning TCM is relatively new, mindfulness is something which I have been doing for a long time

And yes you can do mindfulness meditation too, I guess you can call mine active mindfulness

Active mindfulness is when you are practicing mindfulness while still going about with everyday activities

Thus you can do it when you are eating, walking, even working!

I share more in depth here as well as how to start practicing active mindfulness

Personally, I think this is much more effective as compared to the usual mindfulness meditation

And this strengthens the mind in far more ways than one

It has allowed me to remain calm in spite of horrible or disastrous situations!

For example, when my mom had her stroke, and my brothers were anxious, and breaking down

I was calm and able to focus on what needs to be done

Naturally, it is normal to break down in a sudden life-changing event

I too broke down severely when I found out my lung burst in my sleep at 20 years old

But back then I didn’t do much to strengthen my mind yet

That’s why you can tell the vast change and difference since doing this!

presentation pray for god

Strengthen your soul

Besides understanding how our mind and body are connected and help each other

We cannot neglect our soul!

You can strengthen your mind with a good foundation of the soul too

Now of course, you might find that it overlaps and that’s fine too

Afterall, we have interesting connections with ourselves don’t we?

1. Gratitude

Now gratitude might be placed under strengthening of the mind, but I prefer to put it under the soul because of how it enriches us from within

I personally feel that when you can truly feel grateful for things, you can begin to unshackle the chains that bind you

Now if you are curious how gratitude works, you can read the science and spirituality of it here

Imagine being able to release some of the negative stuff that binds us, that holds us down

To the point where, if you were in a really bad situation, you just aren’t affected much by it

In a way, having a strong soul and a strong mind, you will be able to adjust to ever-changing circumstances if necessary

Several years ago, a client scolded me on the streets for quite a while

The entire time I remained cheerful and was smiling at her

If you are curious why she did that so suddenly…

Well, my best guess is that she was using my appointment as a cover to cheat on her husband

Cause the guy she was having coffee with covered his face when he saw me

You can read about some of the good and not so good client stories here

To me, I have new found knowledge of the lengths some people might go with regards to themselves

And ultimately, I’m still learning about human psychology isn’t it?

2. Prayer

Regardless of your religion, prayer connects you to your God, or a higher being, or a source

Prayer can also be used as a form of wishing and wanting blessings upon yourself, to your family and friends

In fact, Dr Emoto water experiment shows how positive or negative words and emotions can affect water

Now imagine for a minute, when we pray, we are usually saying good things right?

So what happens when we pray over our food?

The tradition of praying and giving thanks before meals, can be considered a form of blessing to the food

And thus, when we consume such food, we revitalize ourselves as well

In fact, I was helping my fengshui master at a numerology workshop and decided to pray or bless a particular bottle of water before the attendees arrive

As luck will have it, one of them was a friend of mine and she decided to sit at the seat of the water bottle I prayed over

Later after the workshop, I had a chat with her and she shared something interesting!

She felt there was something special or different about the water she drank

Because after she drank it, she can feel herself getting energized!

So yes, that’s the power of prayer

Lee McKing how to strengthen your mind

So how to strengthen your mind?

I’ve shared 6 ways, broken into 2 ways per aspect from body, mind and soul

Hopefully this allows you to have an easier framework to start with

Naturally, once you got the hang of things you can continue to explore other ways to strengthen your mind

Feel free to start with one and progressively add on

Or you can do all simultaneously too

Just consider one fact

Your mind is with you 24/7

Don’t think that just 1 hour a week of meditation is enough to strengthen your mind

Perhaps 1 hour a day might be useful shrug

However, if you were able to adopt all the above practices

You will be maximizing your time and effort

Through nutrition and exercise, through active mindfulness and learning, and through gratitude and prayer

And I believe, just like some of my clients

You too will experience a positive change with your mind šŸ™‚

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