How To Resolve A Fear Of Public Speaking

16 Lee McKing NUS public speaking

Do you have a fear of public speaking?

Like if you stand in front of a crowd and get shivers, jitters and trembles

Or you get nervous, anxious and your hands start sweating

Sometimes, your feet and head starts dripping beads of sweat too

But even if you are feeling all this and just want to stop…

You are still standing in front of a live audience and you got to speak… soon…

Thankfully, you are not going to speak yet

In fact, at this point you are reading this blog post

And you are probably looking for some quick fixes to overcome or resolve the fear of public speaking šŸ™‚

You know, ok you don’t, but I used to have PTSD with public speaking

Back in Ngee Ann Polytechnic when I was studying there, I will have the above and worse

After the presentations, I will run to the toilet and breakdown

My body shivered with this intense feeling of fear

My tears flowed like a waterfall, my mucus flowed like a tap and I salivated as if my facial muscles lost all control

It was the scariest moment immediately after nearly dying in my sleep

And I learnt hypnosis to heal myself from this

But before I talk about hypnosis, let me share some conscious ways first

Here are some conscious ways to resolve the fear of public speaking:

  • Breathe deeply at least 3 times (or up to 10 if you like)
  • Recall you are here to share your message and da** it you will!
  • Imagine you are talking to a bunch of bananas~
  • Talk to the ceiling. The ceiling doesn’t stare back.
  • Look at your slides and talk to yourself.

Easy right?

Those are quick fixes that you can do anytime

presentation lee mcking wondering about the fear of public speaking

What about long term?

You can try the following although they mostly involve practising over and over…

  • Practising your speech in front of the mirror cause you got this!
  • Practising your speech by joining a Toastmasters’ Club
  • Practising your speech by joining a BNI chapter (especially if you are a business owner cause you can grow your business too!)
  • Practising your speech in front of your friends

Except for number 1 which is free, the rest got to pay (at least treat your friends to a drink la hahaha)

Now you probably already know I am a hypnotist and resolving the fear of public speaking can be done almost instantly

Ok fine we need about half an hour for most cases

And yes, a session is enough for a permanent cure for the fear of public speaking

Sounds too good to be true?

There is a catch though

You need to want to change

Yup, you need to want to resolve this fear completely

If for some reason you want to keep this fear or don’t want to change then I cannot help you

And I ain’t kidding

I’ve had a guy who came to me to stop smoking only to realize he doesn’t want to stop smoking

Then I cannot help him already

Can you teach me an unconscious way to overcome the fear of public speaking?

Sure I can!

  1. Find the fear of public speaking inside you
  2. Trust your unconscious mind and have a symbol to represent this fear
  3. Once you get the symbol, you can do 2 things
    • Throw the symbol away (yea it can be that easy lol) (ends here)
    • Connect with it and communicate with it (continue with 4.)
  4. Communicate with the symbol by asking it for its purpose
  5. Thank it and ask it to change to something else to give you that purpose but without that fear
  6. Once it’s changed, voila we are done!
    • If it doesn’t change after some time, just leave it be for now and see if anything is different

And there we have it tadaa~

If you still have the fear of public speaking after the unconscious method (which is a self hypnosis technique by the way), well you can contact me to schedule an appointment

If you still have the fear after the conscious methods… well, they are conscious methods my friend, they don’t solve the root cause lol

Now you might be wondering how long I took to heal myself right?

Well, mine was pretty severe and such an emotional yet healing experience

So of course it took more than a session’s worth

It was maybe 2 sessions’ worth

Man I really cried when I finally released this fear from me

And now?

Lee McKing was given the opportunity to speak to 100 students at NUS
Lee McKing was given the opportunity give a lecture to 100 students at NUS in March 2017
Lee McKing in NUS giving a lecture

Now I’m not asking you to lecture to 100 students immediately

But I am showing you, how a couple of sessions helped me back in 2015 til today

So do the unconscious method above and only if it doesn’t work, and you really really want to resolve your fear of public speaking in 1 session, then contact me yea?

By the way, I even have my own meetup here (Updated: ok I had to close the meetup group)

So I definitely believe, you too can find what you are looking for, regardless of the method

And maybe a year from now, you will find yourself achieving good things too šŸ™‚

Here is a testimonial from someone who came to me to resolve her fear of public speaking

If you have any questions, you can contact me or leave a comment below

Cheers šŸ™‚

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