Happy World Mental Health Day 2024

Presentation Lee McKing and mental health awareness month

Ok it is a bit early for World Mental Health Day but it sort of syncs with my birthday~

World Mental Health Day is a day to raise public awareness about issues surrounding mental health as well as to promote mental health care

In particular, World Mental Health Day 2024 is about promoting mental health awareness and care in the work place environment

Which naturally generates stress as bosses might tend to focus on results and sales

Now of course, you might be thinking, how does this link with my birthday?

First of all, when I was a kid, my dad linked my birthday to the idea of other people being happy

Like, instead of me, myself and I, which is how a normal child might be on their birthday

My mind was tweaked to see the happiness of others on my birthday

Which is rather interesting isn’t it?

For a child to have such an idea

Presentation Lee McKing and pancake food

So I personally don’t celebrate my birthday

On top of that, I nearly died in my sleep at the age of 20 when my lung burst without any warning

Yes, doctors could not diagnose what happened either, and you can read the full story here

And I suffered from various mental health issues such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, mental breakdowns etc

My life only turned around when I realized how mental health and physical health are linked and far more important than just career achievements or results

In case you are wondering, yes, I learnt NLP and hypnosis to fix my own mental health issues, and that’s why I am doing what I am doing to help people who are silently suffering from mental health issues today

Which is why even if my birthday is round the corner, I will rather remind people with this message that their mental health is important enough for them to stop and think carefully

So yea, how can the work place environment shift towards mental health care?

It ain’t easy unless the bosses make a shift in their own understandings, and implement a change within the company

Sure, the individual people working in the company can focus on their own mental health care too but let’s be honest

presentation lee mcking thinking hard about world mental health day

How many will really focus on their mental health?

You know, some years ago I had the opportunity to meet such a boss

The boss and lady boss truly cared for their staff

Now to be fair, they probably realized that the mental health of their staff might link to their work performance, which is fairly true

One of their sales staff had an issue with speaking up and interacting with the customers, and thus, sales were on the lower end

What did the boss and lady boss do?

Well, they engaged me to come into the company

They bought 1 session of hypnosis per staff for all their staff

Now they encouraged their staff to make use of it (since they already paid right)

But at the same time, they know they cannot force their staff to see me if they don’t want to

Here’s the amazing thing!

That sales girl who had an issue with speaking up and interacting?

She was one of the first to see me because she wanted to resolve her fears and lack of confidence

And the change was astounding!

After the hypnosis, she became confident, and was able to close sales easily!!

The lady boss was shocked and contacted me

She wanted to get another round of sessions for the staff because the results proved itself

Although yea, I did caution her about it cause the other staff haven’t done their hypnosis yet (only that sales girl came after all) and honestly, some people might just need 1 session

So we can stick to the original

And this is an example of how the bosses understanding of how mental health shapes a person, might trickle down to the staff, and cause a great positive change

Lee McKing point to phone, share this with your friends about mental health

What can you do for World Mental Health Day?

If you can, share this message with your managers, supervisors and bosses

Let them know that they need to be aware of how mental health is ever crucial

That the overall work performance is linked to the mental health of the staff

Many research articles have already found links that positive mental health lead to positive or higher work performance

Now of course they don’t need to be like the above boss who bought hypnosis sessions for the entire company

Even having a workshop or two to share about stress relief tips, or ways to reduce anxiety in the work place environment can help

And perhaps they might want to brainstorm their own ideas how to boost mental health and productivity for the company at the same time

But it doesn’t have to stop there

You can do your own part too!

And it can be as simple as treating people kinder in the work place

Everyone has some issues in the background, be it personal, relationship, family etc

And all these can stack on their mental health too

Being kinder to the people around us might not “cure” them

But it gives them an easier day

Being kinder to them also means, that even if they treat you badly, you still treat them with kindness

Have the understanding that perhaps, that day hasn’t been good to them, and they cannot control their own state and emotions

And unfortunately, they are just leaking that negative emotion to people around them, which includes you

Of course, being kind to yourself is probably the most important

If you notice there is workplace bullying, or even abuse onto you!

Then consider it necessary to even leave the company and look for another job

After you make a report to the HR of course

Happy World Mental Health Day 2024!

We can control our own reactions the best

In the event you find yourself perhaps needing some extra advice or help, feel free to PM me either in the purple chat button or on my Facebook here

You can also check out the World Mental Health Day Official website for more information

Til then I wish you to have peace and kindness in your life šŸ™‚

Presentation Lee McKing and mental health awareness month

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