Handling Stress From Circuit Breaker

Presentation Lee McKing caution

TLDR: There is a stress management video for general stress and a Facebook Live for managing kids

On the 7th April 2020, Singapore introduced a Circuit Breaker to contain and fight Covid 19, and it was supposed to last until 4th May 2020

On the 21st of April 2020 however, the Singapore government has decided to extend the Circuit Breaker until 1st June 2020 instead due to rising cases

And on 24th April 2020, Singapore has crossed a total number of 12,000 over cases (but it’s also the first day cases drop below 1000 cases)

And so, it’s extremely understandable why our government has decided such a course of action

Here’s the tricky bit

How are we coping?

You see, if you are like me, you probably barely stepped out of the house (Yes, I didn’t step out of the house since Circuit Breaker started on 7th April)

Some of you could have gone out to exercise or get groceries which is fine

The question is, eventually, how are we coping as a whole, on a psychologically and emotionally level?

The breakdown is that we humans are primarily social creatures, hence we seek out physical social interaction in one way or another

With the sudden change in how we live day to day, it can create additional stress load on our minds

On top of that, the question of our jobs and businesses

I’ll separate that for a bit

Job holders might fear losing their jobs (even though the government is doing a decent job of helping us financially) while business owners may face a sudden drop or loss in clientele

Of course, it sort of depends what business do you do, but there is a general trend

This can also create financial stress in us as the loss of clientele might mean a loss in income

Presentation Lee McKing and toxic relationship

The next tricky bit, family stress

In Singapore, many of us live with our families and if there are unresolved issues between members, this might cause it to escalate

This can mean more arguments, temper tantrums, etc

(To illustrate, in my neighbourhood, there was one household where a guy was heard shouting and scolding vulgarities while dogs were barking, that happened twice in the first week of Circuit Breaker)

Newly weds fortunately might be exempted from this because everything is new and they can support each other much more easier (congrats to any newly weds this year!)

On the other hand, the foreigners or permanent residents here may or may not be staying with their families in Singapore, and this might create a sense of losing loved ones

The fear of not being able to return home easily and seeing their family is another feeling altogether

What about parents who are guiding and teaching their children during this home based learning period?

But I’ll talk about them later at the end

All these factors coming together can create unnecessary stress and frustration

Now to handle your stress in general, please watch this video

Stress Management During Covid 19

Covid 19 has dramatically changed our lives, the way we work, the way we interact, everythingAnd this sudden change can create stress regarding work, some of us experience stress due to loss in income, others have stress due to living and working at home with family aroundSome panic due to the unknown future, others may become more afraid and fearful, some may even experience anger and frustrated such as due to financial stress, handling their children, and moreThis presentation on Stress Management is a collaboration between CoSpace Park, Kalpha, and Lee McKing the Hypnotist, and hope you can learn some ways to reduce your stress during this challenging period And remember to stay at home, stay safe, stay strong, as we fight this Covid 19 together Do share this with your loved ones who might need this extra boost during this time#stayhome #stayhomeforsg #singapore #hypnotist #leemcking #covid19———————————————————————————-By the way, do you know you can arrange a chit chat session with me via Facebook video call or Skype?Here's why https://www.facebook.com/LeeMcKingTheHypnotist/videos/486182172077565/Please subscribe, follow, like, comment or share with your friends to educate them too :)Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeeMcKingTheHypnotistInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/leemckingthehypnotistWebsite: https://www.leemcking.sg/Blog: https://www.leemcking.sg/blog/Testimonials: https://www.leemcking.sg/testimonials/

Posted by Lee McKing The Hypnotist on Wednesday, April 15, 2020

This video is great for helping people handle and deal with the stress in their lives much better~

Truthfully though, this is not enough for some of us

Some of us may develop “mental health issues” as a result of Covid 19, for example hand washing

And I can tell you, I used to have it too

Quick story

So I was still in the army, and currently it’s nighttime and we are preparing to shower and sleep

In fact, I already had a shower and was currently lying in the bed, looking at my phone (I could have been playing a game, I can’t remember now)

And there was someone was standing beside my bed in his underwear

He reached in, gave his privates a rub, took his hand out, and sniffed it, then rubbed his nose and face

And considering his nether regions were literally in the line of sight of my face, I was terribly disgusted (to say the least)

He then asked me, “Eh McKing, ask you ah… why my groin fungal so long never go away ah?”

I was yelling in my mind, “cause you are keeping it’s babies in your nose when you rub your face like that!!!”

Instead I reply, “did you put your medicine yet?”

He said, “Oh i forgot to put” and wanted to just put it in front of me

I shivered and told him to turn away from me

Since that traumatic incident, I was extremely fearful of him touching me or my things because I didn’t want any fungus!

That’s how I got into hand washing for a couple of years

Other mental health relates issues could be hoarding or panic buying due to fear of the unknown

Or even general anxiety or depression due to job and financial stress

In addition, being cooped up at home might make one experience something called “cabin fever”

And that introduces a whole lot of other psychological issues including and not limited to sleep issues, vivid dreams and nightmares, change in eating patterns, headaches, as well as stress, anxiety and frustration again

Which is why I did the stress management video to share with you tips on reducing and managing your stress levels so you can remain calm better

So do watch it if you haven’t already OR if you are experiencing that stress right now

Presentation Lee McKing and child studying

Last but not least, handling kids

This of course, generally applies to parents

If done well, there are little issues to talk about

Otherwise, we can get a mix of stress, frustration, anger, anxiety regarding our kids, the computer, technology in general

Now I want to do a quick highlight that while technology may be good generally, some children might not be able to learn as fast from technology (the chance is there, ok)

You see, each of us have a primary learning style preference, either Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic

And while the Home Based Learning could attempt to aid in Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic, it might not be able to help as much with the students who learn through kinesthetic methods

Of course, ultimately, it also depends on the individual teachers to set up the lesson plan and conduct their class

Which admittedly might be a bit tricky as each school may not have a standard of how to do it just yet

(Do give them time and be understanding if you do find the teachers for your children have so many different ways to do their home based learning as well as homework submission yea? I understand it can be frustrating but let’s tahan together through this period)

With all the stress and frustration build up, our mental resilience is really being tested

(And we’ve already seen some videos of people running around naked or rolling in grass… as well as the public arguments and fights happening)

So before push goes to shove, do know that I will always be here to have a chat whenever you want to šŸ™‚

(But if you text at midnight, I might be sleeping so give me a few hours to reply yea? hahaha)

Anyway, I did the stress management video to aid everyone in general to reduce and relieve stress

So here’s something special for parents

(And teachers too I supposed)

I want to do a Facebook Live for a parenting communication workshop

“How to Talk To Your Kids To Get Them To Do What You Want”

That is admittedly a very long title but it’s quite self explanatory

Here’s the event link on Facebook where you can register your interest and attendance

I hope that this can help parents to communicate better with their kids and this reduces the overall stress and frustration within the family

Oh yea, you can bring your questions to the tables too if you have any

I’ll try to answer them as best as I can

For the teachers, this might be helpful when class restarts and you see them again

I initially did a version of this workshop for about 80 parents, teachers (mainly preschool but there are a couple of primary and secondary teachers too) and youth volunteers

A few took my namecard, and a couple days later, one preschool teacher text me and said she applied what I shared and it worked beautifully well

According to her, previously she couldn’t get them to settle down properly but my tips allowed her to get the kids to settle down fast and quiet!

All in all, I’ll be glad if my tips can help you to smoothen the stress and tension when dealing with children and more than happy to share with you in this Facebook Live Event!

So do join us here and I’ll see you there!

PS. Bring questions if any

Presentation Lee McKing parenting

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