So the last Story in Your Mind I shared was about a warehouse hidden within the mind while the last encounter was with a butterfly fairy
In the Warehouse Within, Peter had anxiety, anger, and a fear of reading and writing, and had to travel within his mind to resolve the issue from its core
Whereas Amanda had an encounter with a Butterfly Fairy from heaven who came to guide her through her health issues
Such unique experiences!
Yet that’s how their minds have constructed their issues within
Anyway, Stories are amazing experiences from my clients while Encounters are astonishingly out of this world!
And for today, we have Amelia (names changed to protect identities)
Amelia had several fears and anxieties, such as fear of the unknown, to general anxiety
Her life seemed stuck, like it came to a complete standstill, and she was unable to move forward
So she decided to do some hypnosis to break through her barriers in life
Now I want to remind you that each hypnosis is personalized
So you might go through the same technique and experience different things
Yes, even if you have the same issue
This is because we all have our own Perceptions, Mindsets, And Beliefs
And thus we all have a uniquely constructed world within us
Due to our different perceptions and beliefs of the world around us
For Amelia, her issues suggest that some deep underlying childhood trauma is causing such fears and anxieties to manifest
As well as creating blockages in her life
So once she was ready…

We begin the dive into her mind
Specifically, we started in a safe room to ensure her safety before we did a regression
Upon exiting the safe room, she saw a path and she slowly walked down the path
Amelia soon came to a door but it was locked
I asked her to communicate with the door
And the door said, “I cannot let you enter”
The door is her unconscious defense mechanism from childhood, and is in place to protect her from whatever stuff it is in her childhood
In fact, it took a while before the door agreed to let her enter, and a key appeared
She took the key, unlocked the door and opened it…
It was an empty dark room, save for the huge gaping black hole in the floor
Amelia was a bit frightened of the hole… what was in it?!
I told her that it is likely a tunnel leading to whatever stuff in her childhood that cause her unconscious defense mechanism to set in place
And of course, only when she is ready to face it, then we can proceed
She was afraid of falling and I reminded her, that all this is in her mind and she can control her descent
Fly! Float! Drift down!
Whatever works~
Since she was afraid of falling, she decided to just drift slowly down~
Some time later, she reach the middle where there was a giant net that covered the hole
It prevented her from going further
“What do we do now?”, Amelia asked me
Side track for a moment where I share my thoughts
It is rare to encounter more than 1 block or barrier in a regression, and for Amelia to encounter 2 already, the door and now the net, seems to suggest that whatever incident she experienced as a child was deem traumatic enough to warrant such heavy defenses!
That also means, we have to tread lightly… and be prepared to bring her back to safety if necessary
I checked with her if she wanted to continue, and she did, so we broke through the net barrier and continued our descent…

Finally, she reached the bottom of the abyss
It was dark and there was nothing, or so it seems
She was in a circular room, with the wall made of thick glass that didn’t allow her to see through
Amelia approached the glass wall, and I asked her to ask the following question
“What are you protecting me from?”
The wall replied that it was afraid she isn’t ready to face what’s behind and it doesn’t want to show her unless it is certain she will be ok
It was an interesting problem since there is no way to know for certain whether Amelia will be ok or not with whatever is being blocked in her childhood
Suddenly everything changed and she was transported to another place
Well, either that or the real scenery revealed itself
She was now standing on some rough looking ground, and she can see the sky
A dark ooze started to come out of her
This giant black ooze monster represented her fear of the unknown!
A crab also came out of her, and even gave Amelia a smirk!
The crab joined with the black ooze monster and it started to grow
We attempted to contain it in a glass cube and although it worked and shrank, it kept resisting
The black ooze didn’t want to leave her
Probably because it knew that it cannot exist without her
As we were fighting against the black ooze monster (don’t ask me what happened to the crab, it disappeared in the ooze haha), a brick wall suddenly materialized in between Amelia and the black ooze
The brick wall asked us to stop fighting, it didn’t want anyone to get hurt

What an odd encounter
I told Amelia to ask the brick wall for help, since the black ooze is the fear of the unknown and all it is giving her is despair, anxiety and fear
The brick wall understood the assignment, and pushed against the black ooze that was trapped in the glass cube
Pushed it away from Amelia until it was but a dot in the distance~
Then some dark smoke started to come out of her
The dark smoke represented a deep seated anxiety that started when she was really young
It showed her an image of her in her mother’s womb
Although there was no confirmation of what happened, I will suppose the anxiety from her mother regarding something seeped into her unconscious mind while in her womb
Once we resolved this and released it, something fascinating occurred!
Jesus Christ appeared!
The whole place (in her mind) brightened up and she felt love, happiness and hope
Jesus said to her that He will always be with her, and that He love her
Such words cleared her doubts and brought peace to her
I guided her for one last thing before bringing her out of hypnosis
And that is self forgiveness
Once all that was done, I brought her out of hypnosis
Reminding her that Jesus Christ is always with her
And that she is filled with love, peace and happiness, among other things
When she came out of hypnosis, she was amazed at how light her body felt already
After releasing all the negative emotions, negative energy, and healing from it all
Also, considering she is new to the religion, having such an encounter with Jesus Christ is a pretty big deal

It is such a magical and life changing encounter isn’t it?
Her hypnotherapy was truly a journey to release the core traumas and heal
Now you might be wondering, what was the root issue?
Even the imagery of herself in her mom’s womb didn’t reveal much~
In this matter, I will remind you that sometimes, it isn’t about what happened that caused the issue
It is about the release and healing that we do
In fact, as long as you want to heal from your issues, does it matter what happened?
My chats to figure what happened is more to determine which technique is best suited
Naturally, since Amelia’s issue is from a deep place, then a regression will work best and that was what I did
It has been months since the hypnosis and you will be happy to know that Amelia is finding more freedom and happiness in her life 🙂